52 examples of mad man in sentences

Varro writeth, that Scipio was wont to say, that there was no difference at all betweene a furious, outragious, or mad man and a daunser, sauing that this man, that is to say, the daunser was then onely mad when he daunsed, and the other was so all his life long.

Then, I wot, was Robin Hood a mad man.

Or will thy all-surprising light Break at midnight, When either sleep or some dark pleasure Possesseth mad man without measure? Or shail these early, fragrant hours Unlock thy bowers, And with their blush of light descry Thy locks crowned with eternity?

And helpe to binde this mad man, that's possest!

The Nice Valour, or the Passionate Mad Man.

Aie me, the mad man againe, the mad man.

Why, fond man, mad man, know'st thou what thou doest? Phil.

" "When all are mad, where all are like opprest Who can discern one mad man from the rest?

The Abderites condemned Democritus for a mad man, because he was sometimes sad, and sometimes again profusely merry.

How a melancholy or mad man offering violence to himself, is to be censured.

Many will not believe they can be seen, and if any man shall say, swear, and stiffly maintain, though he be discreet and wise, judicious and learned, that he hath seen them, they account him a timorous fool, a melancholy dizzard, a weak fellow, a dreamer, a sick or a mad man, they contemn him, laugh him to scorn, and yet Marcus of his credit told Psellus that he had often seen them.

How can a mad man do more?

Red Perris, too, shouting like a mad man as he spurred in, realized that his opportunity was slipping through his fingers.

Once or twice he got in a fight down there, and they all agree he fought like a mad man, the most terrible fighter in the whole district, and it took about a half dozen to stop him.

Was it deathwas that what this mad man in the stern had for her?

Adriana, the wife of the Ephesian, mistakes the Syracusan for her husband; but he behaves so strangely that her jealousy is aroused, and when her true husband arrives he is arrested as a mad man.

Mad man's drum; a novel in woodcuts.

The mad man of Gaylords Corner.

Mad man's drum; a novel in woodcuts.

The mad man of Gaylords Corner.

"'Aw,' said the soldier, with a leer, 'I've got de lapsy-palls, and I wanter go to de horspittle, I do.' "I never saw such a mad man as Kemp was.

His words appeared the ravings of a mad man, yet there was method in them, and no crime in the calendar with which they did not charge me.

Was it an intoxicated or a mad man that was to be let in?

Having made this promise, I took leave of the prince, and for five years wandered through the desert, sifting the dust, like a mad man, but found no trace

" On hearing these circumstances, from his mouth, I attained some consolation, saying, "If he should wish it, then my desires will be accomplished; God has favoured me greatly, since he has made such a mad man well inclined towards me; so true is it, that if God is favourable, all goes well."

52 examples of  mad man  in sentences