611 examples of marrie in sentences

"She shall marrie oo she want!"

Non, Monsieur." "Non? Not marrie 'Sieur George?

Then thus it is: not farre from hence do dwell My parents, of the world esteemed well, Who with their bitter threats my grant had won This day to marrie with a neighbours son, And such a one to whom I should be wife As I could neuer fancie in my life:

[Sidenote: 56] As kill a King, and marrie with his Brother.

And by this name of Portugales throughout all the Indies, they call all the Christians that come out of the West, whether they bee Italians, Frenchmen, or Almaines, and all they that marrie in Cochin do get an office according to the trade he is of:

Marrie, enter, Mistris Wynnifred, even here I pray thee;from the Lady Eugenia, doe you heare, friend?

what shood I marrie him? Hip.

Captaine be not dismaid, Ile marrie thee,

This, sir; the marriage which we thought made even now, betweene Earle Cassimere and Cornelia, was but a jest only to drawe you to marry her, for she doth exceedinglie dote upon you; and Flores her father hath invented that you are betrothed to her and is gone with a supplication to the Duke to enforce you to marrie her.

I no point marrie Cornelia.

de Marshan tell a me I marrie

I, marrie, sir, how may that tricke be done?

Marrie, with ease and great facilitie.

Not by my travels (so God helpe me): marrie, ile bring ye fortie Saylers, will sweare they have seene them.

Indeede sir, I am a man of few words, I have put up a little bloodshed; marrie, I hope it shall be no stain to my manhoode, if I keepe it out of my clothes.

City w. Nay, this is but shallowe, marrie I have a Ruffe is a quarter deepe, measured by the yard.

Citty w. Oh! woman, the most hardfavoured newes, and without all conscience: they say theres a statute made, any woman that buries her husband is not to marrie againe of two monthes after.

I, marrie, Accutus, how lik'st thou this Gentlewoman Gallant? Accut.

A kind of Mungrill, he will carrie but not fetch, marrie hee is to be put to a dauncing schoole for instruction.

I, marrie, but then would learning be in colours, proud, proud; then would not foure nobles purchase a benefice, two Sermons in a yeare.

Another brings Letters of commendation from the Constable of the Parish, or the Church-warden, of his good behaviour and bringing up, how he could write and reade written hand; further desiring that his Father would request my Father that his Fathers Sonne might marrie my Fathers Daughter and heele make her a joynter of a hundred pound a yeare, and beget three or foure fooles to boote.

Marrie thus, there are great revels & shews preparde to beautifie the nuptials of Lentulus, and Tully, in which the Cittizens have the least share; now, would but you and some others that I shall collect, Joyne hands with me in some queint jest, Our shew shall deserve grace, and brave the rest.

You will not marrie me?

The sequence here is perfectly natural: but observe the change: in Ferando's first interview with Kate, he says, "My mind, sweet Kate, doth say I am the man Must wed and bed and marrie bonnie Kate.

Yes marrie shalt thou.

611 examples of  marrie  in sentences