113 examples of palpitation in sentences

The fits themselves are mostly preceded by great depression of spirits, shedding of tears, sickness, palpitation of the heart, &

PALPITATION OF THE HEART.Where palpitation occurs as symptomatic of indigestion, the treatment must be directed to remedy that disorder; when it is consequent on a plethoric state, purgatives will be effectual.

PALPITATION OF THE HEART.Where palpitation occurs as symptomatic of indigestion, the treatment must be directed to remedy that disorder; when it is consequent on a plethoric state, purgatives will be effectual.

Should the palpitation originate from organic derangement, it must be, of course, beyond domestic management.

When in her life before had she experienced a nameless palpitation of her heart?

In 1825 the collected posthumous writings of Caleb Perry, an eminent physician of Bath, England, recorded eight cases, in which, together with enlargement of the gland, there developed enlargement and palpitation of the heart, a distinct protrusion of the eyes from their sockets and an appearance of agitation and distress.

Soon the chest becomes affected, and the breathing is short, accompanied by a dry cough and palpitation of the heart upon the slightest exertion.

My stomach has been greatly out of order, without any visible cause; and the palpitation does not decrease.

I am told that my stomach will soon recover its tone, and that the palpitation must cease in time.

Palpitation (Lat. palpitatio, a frequent or throbbing motion).

She had many a palpitation of the heart when she heard of his good conduct as a seaman, as she always did whenever she heard his professional career alluded to at all.

The queen, whose heart was in a violent palpitation, offered prayers to Heaven for the success of the white color.

At an early period of her illness, a violent attack of pain and palpitation of the heart made her think she was dying, and she told her mother so, adding, "But I am not afraid, I am so happy."

turbulence, perturbation; commotion, turmoil, disquiet; tumult, tumultuation^; hubbub, rout, bustle, fuss, racket, subsultus^, staggers, megrims, epilepsy, fits; carphology^, chorea, floccillation^, the jerks, St. Vitus's dance, tilmus^. spasm, throe, throb, palpitation, convulsion.

One evening after dinner he was seized with a palpitation of the heart, and almost fainted.

So that he attributed entirely to the idleness in which he had been living for some weeks past, the palpitation which at times made him feel as if he were going to suffocate.

Many lamentable effects this fear causeth in men, as to be red, pale, tremble, sweat, it makes sudden cold and heat to come over all the body, palpitation of the heart, syncope, &c. It amazeth many men that are to speak, or show themselves in public assemblies, or before some great personages, as Tully confessed of himself, that he trembled still at the beginning of his speech; and Demosthenes, that great orator of Greece, before Philippus.

latido, m., palpitation, beat.

This done, I withdrew, with flutterings and palpitation, to a private apartment, a sort of light closet at the end of the library, where I was accustomed not unfrequently to sit.

"It is a delightful and meritorious thing to be pious, no doubt," I said to myself, "but it has not improved the manner of my dear Bessie: on the contrary, I should say it has entirely shaken her nerves, and given her palpitation of the heart.

The Teniente dismounted, evidently with the intention of joining us, but soon got back again into his saddle,having experienced, as H. explained, "a sudden recurrence of palpitation.

It is certain, that he behaved on this occasion with the utmost coolness; and the Garde Nationale, whose hand he placed on his heart, attested that it had no unusual palpitation.

He was abroad in the morning, was seized with a palpitation after dinner and was dead before the surgeon could arrive.

There was a moment of handshaking with the good father, then a moment of palpitation and holding of the breath, and thenyou would have known it by the turning away of two or three feminine heads in tearsthe lily hand became the don's, to have and to hold, by authority of the Church and the Spanish king.

A sort of desperate palpitation seized them, as if an immense angel were in the Room, struggling and making vain efforts to escape.

113 examples of  palpitation  in sentences