5546 examples of reflecting in sentences

It has long been a subject of regret as well as of astonishment to the reflecting and benevolent, that notwithstanding the numerous institutions which exist in this country for the education and improvement of the poor, and in defiance of the endeavours of our magistracy and police establishment, crime should rather increase than diminish.

But I think enough has been said to convince every reflecting mind that it is highly necessary that we should interfere in behalf of children so situated; and I shall conclude the present chapter by some remarks on the various habits and practices of the poor classes, which have at least an injurious tendency on the character of the rising generation.

I smiled at my Friends Fancy; but after we parted, could not forbear reflecting on the Metamorphoses our Faces have undergone in this Particular.

By reflecting on the former they find themselves cut off from all possibility of pleasure; and whenever they see a funeral they lament and repine that others have gone to a harbour of rest, to which they themselves never can hope to arrive.

The sun was said to have set in streams of blood, and the moon to have shown without reflecting a shadow; grisly shapes appeared at nightstrange clamours and groans were heard in the airhearses, coffins, and heaps of unburied dead were discovered in the sky, and great cakes and clots of blood were found in the Tower moat; while a marvellous double tide occurred at London Bridge.

We agree to the statement that 'each object has a particular reflecting surface of its own,' as we cannot see how its particular surface could be the property of another,but why this should make the surface 'throw back light at its own angle' we do not exactly fathom, and we are puzzled to know which is the owner of the said angle, the light or the surface.

Ethica; an Outline of Moral Science for Students and Reflecting Men.

Without, the world's fierce strife and yearning In floods of passion ebb and flow; Within, as in a shrine, is burning, Reflecting fires of long ago, A stormy life's calm afterglow.

She could not go to sleep, but she lay awake reflecting upon the events of the preceding day, and forming resolutions for the future; at the same time, considering that she had resolved, and resolved without effect, she wished to give her mind some more powerful motive; ambition she knew to be its most powerful incentive.

Here it assumes the character of a deep, tortuous dock, incumbered with the débris of many ship-yards, and reflecting the skeleton shapes of big-ribbed merchantmen on the stocks.

I see the rich valley below, with magnificent woods and glades, and a broad river reflecting the sunset; and in the midst of the valley, the vast Saracenic pile, with gilded minarets blazing in the golden light.

As we passed out of the chapel we could not help reflecting on the hard-heartedness of men fifty years ago, who could allow this consecrated place, beautiful and fair as it still is, to fall gradually to the ground, nor attempt to put forth a helping hand to save it ere it crumbles into dust.

An elegant writer in the Guardian, says, "I cannot forbear reflecting on the insignificance of human art, when set in comparison with the designs of Providence.

For the present I was busily employed, reflecting on my new situation, and the conduct to be observed in it.

As a general rule, it may be said that the literary, religious, and scientific portions of the Press are printed on good paper, and provided with useful matter, reflecting credit on the projectors and contributors.

Reflecting on the extent of his loss, the Curè nearly fell to the ground.

" Scarborough was still reflecting.

To a reflecting mind, the scene was touching beyond description.

One cannot help reflecting how desperately depressed Noah, and the probably more impressionable Mrs. Noah, must have been when, discarding their aquascutums for the first time, they sallied forth, a primeval party, to observe the emerging country.

I stood reflecting for a minute, and then requested, "Please stay where you are for a moment."

In covered way"), and having closed the book and slipped it and the board into my pocket, had just opened out the newspaper when the carriage door was unlocked and opened, whereupon I unhooked and blew out the lamp and pocketed that too, reflecting that it might be useful later.

It bewails the loss of Tulan, and the bard seeks in vain for any joyous theme to inspire his melody, reflecting on all that has bloomed in glory and now is gone forever.

Reflecting, he said: "You may misjudge him.

Emilio's face was waxen, with staring eyes reflecting unspeakable horror, as he took the leap into the River of Night.

say I, recovering my good-humor with an effort, reflecting that it is no use to be vexedthat they mean nothingand that, lastly, I have brought it on myself!

5546 examples of  reflecting  in sentences