20 examples of saddle-blanket in sentences

He had left his saddle-blanket out all night, he mentioned to Swing in the hearing of Jack Harpe.

When he returned, strangely enough minus the saddle-blanket, he was in time to see Piney Jackson dart round the corner of the blacksmith shop, cup his hand at his mouth, and raise a stentorian bellow for Jake Rule.

" "How?" "Remember me this morning telling you how I'd left my saddle-blanket out all night and then going out in the corral for the same.

He saw me go out round the corral, and he saw me come back without the saddle-blanket.

Now anybody'd know I wouldn't leave my saddle-blanket out behind the corral, would I?" "Not likely.

" A grave was soon dug; and, wrapping the poor mutilated body in my saddle-blanket, we laid it within the narrow walls, and hastily covered it from sight; then, remounting oar horses, silently rode back to camp.

Stealing back to Toby, he laid the coat over his shivering shoulders, chuckling to think that Toby would never know that it was not the saddle-blanket.

They helped him down on to the saddle-blanket that Follett had brought, and the latter now went for more wood.

"'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.'" Follett spread the other saddle-blanket over him.

Follett spread a saddle-blanket over the huddled figure at the foot of the cross.

They saw him go to Prudence, raise her from the ground, put a saddle-blanket over his arm, and lead her slowly up the road around a turn that took them beyond a clump of the oak-brush.

" Two hours later Follett came running back to where Prudence lay on the saddle-blanket in the warm morning sun.

The regulation army saddle-blanket is also advised as a protection for the mule's back.

The muleteer should wash the saddle-blanket often.

His name, and even the three-colored saddle-blanket of his horse, with which he rode through the streets of Rome, were exciting to the populace, in whose veins the fever of revolution was already throbbing.

But the cardinal indignantly declared that his nephew, who had done nothing, should not be compelled to leave Rome merely on account of his name and his saddle-blanket, and that he would never advise the Duchess of St. Leu to do anything of the kind.

The bunk was a trifle less filthy than the floor; so upon its boards we spread first the skin, then our saddle-blankets, and, with a pair of saddle-bags for a bolster, I wrapped myself in my cloak, and resigned myself to my distasteful accommodations.

I The Cañon Waring picketed his horse in a dim angle of the Agua Fria Cañon, spread his saddle-blanket to dry in the afternoon sun, and, climbing to a narrow ledge, surveyed the cañon from end to end with a pair of high-power glasses.

He could lay the saddle-blanket smooth and unwrinkled, slap the saddle on and cinch it without fixing it either upon the withers or upon the rump of his long-suffering mount.

He turned short around, walked purposefully out to the edge of the grove where his horse was feeding at the end of his rope, picked up the rope and led the horse over to where his saddle lay on its side, the neatly folded saddle-blanket laid across it.

20 examples of  saddle-blanket  in sentences