775 examples of socialists in sentences

But there is no single instance on record to show that German Socialists considered any other benefits of internationalism, except those which served the purposes of their own nationalism.

German Socialists are pledged just as irrevocably to the doctrines of brute force as are the Junker and military powers in the German Fatherland.

Do British Socialists accept this part of the programme? Throughout German Social Democratic literature we find Mr. Ramsay Macdonald referred to as Genosse

The party leaders endeavoured to gloss the matter over with righteous indignation and ambiguous phrases, but it nevertheless remains a fact that the desire to counteract effectively, a tendency to perjury among Socialists led the German Government a few years later to make perjury punishable by penal servitude up to ten years.

In the light of these declarations, the action of German Socialists in giving unreserved support to the German Government in this war, is not altogether surprising.

"] Probably the betrayal was not so shameful as it seemed, because the fact was not made known in this country that the German Socialists had but imitated Bismarck's policy with Russia and Austria.

" With these words, millions of German Socialists, represented by four and a quarter million voters and a hundred and eleven members of the Reichstag, tacitly denied their previous protestations, that Austrian Imperialism was letting loose the war-fury on Europe.

In 1870, when Bismarck asked the Reichstag for a war credit to prosecute the campaign against France, the Socialists were few and helpless.

With the exception of a few Britishers, the Socialists of all countries have unanimously condemned the attitude of the German party.

"We hold firmly to the contention that the German Socialists could have done nothing except what they did.

The Italian Socialists would not have given their assistance under the same circumstances, just as they had refused to vote in favour of the Libyan war.

"In reply Delia Seta said he found it remarkable that the German Socialists had appealed to their Italian comrades in this solemn hour, all the more remarkable because intentions might easily be ascribed to this intervention.

The French Socialists opposed the military preparations made by France, you Germans did not do the same in your country, or at least, only up to the point where the imperialistic feelings of the Kaiser and his party might be hurt.

Taken as a whole, German Socialists are just as plausible and use the same excuses as the Ministers of the German Government.

If Germany should be victorious in this war, it is to be assumed that the Socialists would again prove powerless to prevent annexation.

They wish their "French brothers" to agree to a peace without annexations, which means, in so many words, that the French Socialists are to renounce Alsace-Lorraine for ever.

It is an effective reply to Germany's sympathizers in this country, and if British workmen should ever see these lines, it will interest them to know that German Socialists are anxious to pull them down a little, in the belief that if British workmen are cut short in their luxuries they will become better Socialists and Internationalists.

It is an effective reply to Germany's sympathizers in this country, and if British workmen should ever see these lines, it will interest them to know that German Socialists are anxious to pull them down a little, in the belief that if British workmen are cut short in their luxuries they will become better Socialists and Internationalists.

And meanwhile, that nobler bond, after which Socialists so-called have sought, and after which I trust they will go on seeking stilla bond which shall combine all that was best in patriarchism and feudalism, with that freedom of the employed which those forms of society failed to givehas not been found is yet; and, for a generation or two to come, 'cash-payment seems likely to be the only nexus between man and man.'

Legitimists, Imperialists, Republicans, Socialists, and Communists are all in favor of a centralized and unlimited government.

What did this poet mean by giving lessons to the socialists in a party paper?

He questioned men who stated they had already formed an opinion about the case, had definite prejudices against Anarchists, Socialists and all radicals, were not certain they could render an impartial verdictand ruled that they were not disqualified!

He said from the bench that "Anarchists, Socialists and Communists were as pernicious and unjustifiable as horse thieves," and, finally, in charging the jury, that even though the state had not proved that any of the eight men on trial had actually thrown the bomb, they were nevertheless guilty of a conspiracy to commit murder.

"He says that when they're all socialists there won't be any wars'cause nobody'll go.

That a member of the War Cabinet should attend a Conference of French and Russian Socialists at all is in itself a sufficiently remarkable departure from Ministerial etiquette, but that he should be accompanied by Mr. RAMSAY MACDONALD, whose peculiar views upon the questions of war and peace have so recently been repudiated by the Government and the House of Commons, makes it still more extraordinary.

775 examples of  socialists  in sentences