5 examples of tobermory in sentences

It happened that I'd the parts for some of my ain songs wi' me, so I could gie them "Tobermory" and then "The Lass o' Killiecrankie.

I began wi' "Tobermory," a great favorite among my songs in yon days.

"Tobermory" settled itwhen they sang the chorus wi' me on the second voice, in a great, roaring measure, I knew I was safe.

Nothing but the wide surface of the ocean was visible from our mountain eminence, and after a few minutes' survey we descended, returned to the boat, and after regaining the steam-vessel, took our farewell look of Staffa, and steered on for Tobermory.

TOBERMORY (1), in the N., is the only town.

5 examples of  tobermory  in sentences