108 examples of whan in sentences

Perhaps an error in transcription for Hara-moran, or Kara-moran, the Mongul or Tartar name of the Hoang-ho, or Whang river, near, and communicating with which, Hoaingan, or Whan-gan-fou is situated.

For whan thy labour doon al is, And hast y-maad thy rekeninges, In stede of reste and newe thinges, Thou gost hoom to thy hous anoon, And, also domb as any stoon, Thou sittest at another boke Til fully daswed is thy loke, And livest thus as an hermyte.

Thereto she coude so wel pleye, Whan that hir liste, that I dar seye

He was a student of books as well as of men, as is shown by these lines from the Hous of Fame: "For whan thy labour doon al is, And halt y-maad thy rekeninges, In stede of rest and newe thinges, Thou gost hoom to thy hous anoon, And, also domb as any stoon, Thou sittest at another boke, Til fully daswed is thy loke, And livest thus as an hermyte.

" Our eyes and ears distinctly perceive the jolly Monk, as he canters along: "And, whan he rood, men might his brydel here Ginglen in a whistling wind as clere, And eek as loude as dooth the chapel-belle.

And therfore whan it is gret hete, the Pissemyres resten hem in the erthe, from pryme of the day in to noon: and than the folk of the con tree taken camayles, dromedaries and hors and other bestes and gon thidre, and chargen hem in alle haste that thei may.

And whan that the folk supposen, that the vesselle ben fulle, thei putten forthe anon the zonge foles, and maken hem to nyzen aftre hire dames; and than anon the mares retornen towardes hire foles, with hire charges of gold; and than men dischargen hem, and geten gold y now be this sotyltee.

And of the Worschipe that the Sone dothe to the Fader, whan he is dede.

This contree is fulle well enhabyted, and so fulle of cytees, and of gode townes, and enhabyted with peple, that whan a man gothe out of o cytee, men seen another cytee, evene before hem: and that is what partye that a man go, in alle that contree.

In that yle thei han a custom, be alle the contree, that whan the fader is ded of ony man, and the sone list to do gret worchipe to his fader, he sendethe to alle his frendes, and to all his kyn, and for religious men and preestes, and for mynstralle also, gret plentee.

And thanne semethe in to the sone, that he is highliche worschipt, whan that many briddes and foules and raveyne comen and eten his fader.

As to her age, she said she was "a little girl on the floor whan the stars fell."

"Na, na, Jeannie; a' was ower whan once I forgot what I promised when I turned down the leaf of my Bible.

Whan we get old we get helpless.

By Harrison Boyd Summers, Forest Livings Whan & Thomas Andrew Rousse.

Harrison Boyd Summers, Forest Livings Whan (A) & Mary S. Rousse (W); 7Nov77; R676794.

By Harrison Boyd Summers, Forest Livings Whan & Thomas Andrew Rousse.

Harrison Boyd Summers, Forest Livings Whan (A) & Mary S. Rousse (W); 7Nov77; R676794.

Yo' put it down whan

He used to bring us candy whan he went to town.

Of course whan the "pattyrollers" or other plantation boss would read the pass he would beat him nearly to death and send him back.

I dinna ken whan I'll get thae drawers redd up.

If ye dinna ken whan ye've a gude servant; I ken whan I've a gude place.

If ye dinna ken whan ye've a gude servant; I ken whan I've a gude place.

"An' he said the Lord could hae had little to dae whan he made me."

108 examples of  whan  in sentences