Do we say whines or wines

whines 42 occurrences

Incidentally he would be well rid of the Sergeant, and free from any of his importunities, from whines and threats alike; it was not an unimportant, if a minor, consideration.

Whines, Corporal.

Look to your hound: he dreams of the hares he started, Whines, and awakes, and stretches his limbs to the blaze.

Tiny, the black-and-tan terrier, who was lying coiled up on a cushion at his master's feet, heard Howard step on the stairs and barked sharply for a moment, then glancing at Stafford, with a reassuring air, coiled himself up again and subsided into spasmodic growls and whines of welcome; for the mite was fond of Howard.

It was a man, and Donald and Bess were jumping up at him with little whines of pleasure.

So at length he whines, "Oh that I were on dry land, and somebody kicking me!"

The command was called forth by the violent entry of the yellow dog which, remembering Racey as a friend, flung itself upon him with whines and tail-waggings.

It wailed itself into silence, and then broke forth again in a series of long drawn-out whines.

the sick man whines; 'Who knows as yet what Heaven designs?

We had almost gained the conviction that his aims were really pure, and here we are called on to witness his utter collapse, in which he almost whines for pardon for his sins, and, like all worthless fellows without character seems actually to soften in gratitude to the man who sent him to his death.

We don't like the man who whines that the cards were stacked against him or that the umpire cheated.

There's a fellow in your office Who complains and carps and whines

He whines and stands up on his hind legs.

The warrior must not here look big, The lawyer doffs his forked wig, The portly merchant rich and free, Forgets his pride and bends the knee; The doctor gives his terrors scope, And, like a patient, whines for hope; In short the wise have childish fits, And fools and madmen find their wits.

damn all such poor pussyism as sniffles and whines and rejects it!

The dogs were seen galloping about the ice-hummocks as if in agitation, darting off to a considerable distance at times, and returning with low whines to the ship.

[Opening the door, he whines.]

The doctrine of hatred must be preached, as the counteraction of the doctrine of love, when that pules and whines.

At noon, when the stewards rummage out lunch-drinks from the dewy ice-chest, the Desert whines louder than the well-wheels on the bank: 'I am here, only a quarter of a mile away.

'He lifts my camels and scuttles back into your territory, where he knows I can't follow him for the life; and when I try to get a bit of my own back, he whines to you.

Into his poor brain, at last, began to gleam the truth, that a serf-mastering caste, after a compromise, only whines more steadily and snarls more loudly,that, at last, compromising becomes worse than fighting.

All at once they heard a strange snorting and scratching above in the tree with whines which drove the dog wild with excitement, then, with burning embers and suffocating smoke, down came a huge animal, well-nigh breaking the necks of frantic dog and "rubbering" boys.

But why these wails and tears and whines?

He sprang about excitedly, making short nervous leaps and twists, now toward one, now toward the other, in painful indecision, not knowing his own mind, desiring both and unable to choose, uttering quick sharp whines and beginning to pant.

His fishing-rod and basket were in the same condition; and Bravo, his fine hunting-dog, which was very much averse to a life of inactivity, made use of his most eloquent whines in vain.

wines 674 occurrences

It should be borne in mind, however, that the goodness and strength of spices, wines, flavourings, &c., evaporate, and that they lose a great deal of their fragrance, if added to the gravy a long time before they are wanted.

It may be flavoured with ketchup, wines, or any other store sauce that may be preferred.

We have already said that the suckling mother should avoid stimulants, especially spirituous ones; and though something of this sort is absolutely necessary to support her strength during the exhausting process, it should be rather of a tonic than of a stimulating character; and as all wines contain a large percentage of brandy, they are on that account less beneficial than the pure juice of the fermented grape might be.

Now wines, especially port wine, very oftenindeed, most frequentlyaffect the baby's bowels, and what might have been grateful to the mother becomes thus a source of pain and irritation to the child afterwards.

Sherry is less open to this objection than other wines, yet still it very frequently does influence the second participator, or the child whose mother has taken it.

For this purpose, give the child doses of ipecacuanha and antimonial wines, in equal parts, and quantities varying from half to one and a half teaspoonful once a day, or, when the expectoration is hard and difficult of expulsion, giving the following cough mixture every four hours.

A well-spread board, excellent viands, highly respectable cookery, and delicious wines, were every where met.

After this came the regular assay of wines, during which it was easy to fancy the master of the house a dealer, for he usually sat either sucking a syphon or flourishing a cork-screw.

"Edward the Confessor received yearly, from the manor of Barton, near Gloucester, 3,000 loaves of bread for the maintenance of his dogsIn the reign of Edward III., only three taverns might sell sweet wines in London; one in Cheape, one in Wallbrook, and the other in Lombard Street.

"If we are not to kneel before the good priore together, it is no reason we should not bargain in wines.

"I have little time for thee or thy wines to-night, Gino.

She has received a largess from the Neapolitan, of wines grown on his Calabrian mountains, and wishing to tamper with my honesty, she offered the liquor to me, expecting one like me to forget my duty, and to aid her in deceiving the Republic.

I have come hither with her, without suspicion of my object, and she has been prevailed on to enter thy cabin, under a pretence of some secret dealings in wines.

"Depot Anglais," for wines, groceries, and English provisions, &c. English Club, Post and Telegraph Office.

There were cellaretsthe captain being a connoisseur in wines bureaus, secretaries, beaufets, and other similar articles, that had been collected in the course of twenty years' housekeeping, and scattered at different posts, were collected, and brought hither by means of sledges, and the facilities of the water-courses.

but please God by his lightning to blast all the vines in the world, and by his thunder to turn all the wines now in Ireland sour, as I most sincerely wish he would, Ireland would enjoy a degree of quiet and plenty that it has never yet known.

Our expenses increase, (without drinking French wines.)

She was fed up with everything, the shrewishness of Mama Thérèse, the drunkenness of Papa Dupont, the hideous dullness of the café, the smell of food, the fumes of tobacco, the reek of wines.

Will it give us luxurious banquets, or build palaces, or procure chariots of silver, or robes of silk, or oysters of the Lucrine lake, or Falernian wines?

In this region we saw vines growing, and drank twice of their wines.

The only difference I remark in wines is that some are red and some are white.

[Footnote 24: "Enquire out those tauernes which are best customd, whose maisters are oftenest drunk, for that confirmes their taste, and that they choose wholesome wines.

British Wines.

Oft-times on leaving table his head aches and becomes heavy; he rises with pain; the savoury smells of viands, the flame of wax-lights, and the imperceptible gases which escape from innumerable wines and liqueurs, have produced around him a kind of mist or shade, equal to what the poet calls darkness visible.

"Oh, if you won't, I won't," said I confusedly; "but II coulddrink my share of another bottle, I assure you, and notfeel the slightest...." "I have no doubt on that point," said my neighbor, gravely; "but our French wines are deceptive, Mr. Arbuthnot, and you might possibly suffer some inconvenience to-morrow.

Do we say   whines   or  wines