Which preposition to use with crittur

in Occurrences 2%

" "Wai, yis, the deacon is," said Biah, turning contemplatively to the farmhouse; "there ain't a crittur in that are house that there ain't the most work got out of 'em that ken be, down to Jed and Sam, the little uns.

into Occurrences 1%

But Mr. Hardinge put the poor critturs into houses, near the rectory, and they work about among the neighbours, until things are settled.

like Occurrences 1%

There don't seem to be much love in real life, so a poor lone crittur like me has to calm her hankerin's by a-readin' novels.

of Occurrences 1%

"Not at all, miss," he cried ferociously; "you are here to look after this house, not to be preparing for another, and until you are respectably bespoken by some rash crittur of a man, into the drawers with your linen and down with those murderous shears."

with Occurrences 1%

I never see critturs with such onbelievin' faces!

Which preposition to use with  crittur