34 Verbs to Use for the Word scythe

That beautiful meadow, too, is gone, and the streets of a modern village, with blocks of houses, and stores, and shops, occupy the place where I swung my first scythe.

But he thought of me, and they are toppled down, and corn covers the spot of the noble old dwelling and its princely gardens, I feel like a grasshopper that, chirping about the grounds, escaped the scythe only by my littleness.

so blithe, and you, and I The Mower he would whet his scythe Before the dew was dry.

He was carrying his scythe jauntily over his shoulder and whistling "Good-bye, Susan" at the top of his capacity.

The farmer has long since done his upland haying, and he will not condescend to bring his scythe to where these slender wild grasses have at length flowered thinly; you often see spaces of bare sand amid them.

Though the old-fashioned sound of the mower sharpening his scythe is less often heard, being superseded by the continuous rattle of the mowing machine, yet the hay smells as sweetly as ever.

The Wallachian examined it on every side, and then stepped back to let the stranger pass, after which he once more laid down his scythe and cap, and knelt before the shrine.

These crushed some of their ships by their great weight, and, by means of the hooks or hanging scythes, tore others to pieces.

Several peasants, finding it too hot to mow, had thrown their scythes along the swarths, and were lying in the shade of an oak.

They stopped at the well to get a drink, and when we opened the window, the old man said, "We're just on our way to mow the back lot and stopped to grind the scythe on your stone.

It sends a peal of hollow groans Thus speaking from among the bones: 'When men my scythe and darts supply, How great a king of fears am I!

After a time she heard a dog bark and, stopping by an open gate, saw Kit swinging a scythe where an old thorn hedge threw its shadow on a field of corn.

"I willI will be mad to-night!" When Father Time swings round his scythe, Intomb me 'neath the bounteous vine, So that its juices red and blythe, May cheer these thirsty bones of mine.

If I were upon the high road to fame, if I had honestly determined to win immortality or perish in the attempt, I should look upon the gentleman with no clothing except a scanty forelock, and with no personal property save his scythe and hour-glass, as my greatest enemy,and I should behold the perpetual efforts made to kill him with perfect complacency.

Dick had stopped whistling long before the middle of the afternoon, but now as he shouldered his scythe he struck up "My Fairy Fay" with some marks of his earlier enthusiasm.

We rolled back our sleeves, stood our scythes on end and gave them a final lively stoning.

I watch, the mowers as they go Through the tall grass, a white-sleeved row; With even stroke their scythes they swing, In tune their merry whetstones ring; Behind the nimble youngsters run And toss the thick swaths in the sun; The cattle graze; while, warm and still, Slopes the broad pasture, basks the hill, And bright, when summer breezes break, The green wheat crinkles like a lake.

In that radiant family, whose mirth, fresh faces and luxuriant health seemed to defy death, the implacable foe had already twice swept his scythe.

Legrand immediately took the scythe, and cleared with it a circular space, three or four yards in diameter, just beneath the insect, and, having accomplished this, ordered Jupiter to let go the string and come down from the tree.

Starved, withered, autumn hay that thanks the scythe! Send out your swordsmen, mow the dry bents down, And make this long death shortwe'll never struggle.

"Think you our hands are made to handle penknives?" "Nor are ours made to wield scythes," said Arthur; and muttered betwixt his teeth, as he looked at the sword, which the Swiss continued to offer him"Usum non habeo, I have not proved the weapon.

One would have thought trout would have been able to avoid the scythes, being such quick, slippery animals.

Each wreathed his scythe and twined his head; They took their slow way through the plain: The minstrel and the maiden led Across the fields the solemn train.

The end?Lo, broken in Time's hand the scythe, And round and round revolves Eternity!

Fetch all the bags an' brooms an' scythes.

34 Verbs to Use for the Word  scythe