Which preposition to use with despise

as Occurrences 30%

Paul he despised as a man lacking finesse and esprita truly French form of contempt.

in Occurrences 26%

All fine clothes I despised in comparison with my interest, and never kept but just what clothes were comfortable for common days, and perhaps I would have a garment or two which I did not have on at all times, but as for superfluous finery I never thought it to be compared with a decent homespun dress, a good supply of money and prudence.

for Occurrences 24%

Finally, Pompey became afraid that he might be despised for his behavior and be deserted by his allies, hence he gave orders for the ships to weigh anchor; in these he reposed his chief trust.

of Occurrences 10%

Are you then, sir, despised of your Love? Asca.

on Occurrences 8%

Both of them are hard workers, both are doing good, and neither must be despised on account of humility of position.

at Occurrences 5%

"He will return the compliment and show us how to despise at wholesale, eh?

with Occurrences 4%

This dinner was so excellent, so well cooked and served, that, although we despise with a deep-rooted scorn the wretched class of individuals who make their dinner their main object in life, we nevertheless consider that we are only paying a merited tribute to the chef in saying that the cooking was always of a high standard, and quoting as a specimen the evening's menu (May 1): SOUP.

than Occurrences 3%

Lord TALBOT spoke to this effect:My lords, it is not without indignation that I hear a motion so injurious to my own honour, and to that of the noble lords who have concurred with me in the last debate, nor without contempt that I observed the motion confounded with the positions contained in it; the low subtilty of such conduct is no less to be despised than the malice to be abhorred.

to Occurrences 2%

She had faced the battery of curious eyes, as she walked with the husband she despised to the Sunday services; but what screen had she now that her pride was humbled?

ye Occurrences 1%

or despise ye the church of God, and shame them that have not?

from Occurrences 1%

ery edifying to all who are not in the secret, and who do not know that they are acting a part, and making a mock both of their own reason and their own probity, merely to please persons whose delusions they pity and despise from the bottom of their hearts.

like Occurrences 1%

W.A. A better man than ever I shall be; he was, Sir, a clergyman, who gave me good instruction, or correction, which I despised like a brute as I was, and murdered my poor father.

under Occurrences 1%

She still lacked those top-sails whose action is not to be despised under this full-sail movement.

alike Occurrences 1%

Young as they were, they despised alike the pleasures and the flatteries of the world.

Which preposition to use with  despise