Which preposition to use with junctures

of Occurrences 19%

At the above juncture of the proceedin's, the Cardiff Jiant, who is spendin' the summer at this selebrated waterin' place, entered the room.

in Occurrences 7%

" It is gratifying to remember that at this very critical juncture in the cause of Italian unity and independence, the English Government gave its very cordial support to that cause, and ably defended the course pursued by King Victor Emmanuel, his ministers, and his people.

with Occurrences 6%

The apparent juncture with Lord North is universally cried out against.

like Occurrences 2%

He could think for himself and decide for himself at any moment, but he knew the worth and value of putting two heads together, especially at a juncture like this.

at Occurrences 2%

This was the first important juncture at which Lord John brought valuable assistance to the cause of "Italy for the Italians," since he kept Napoleon to his promise, after he had good reasons to regret it, and bent the whole weight of England's influence towards persuading reluctant Austria to accept on her side the principle of complete non-intervention.

to Occurrences 2%

I did not, however, so often see him as in the previous year; for I was then on the eve of my marriage, and I should not so soon, after my return to London, have probably renewed my visits, but a foreign nobleman of the highest rank, who had done me the honour to treat me as a friend, came at that juncture to this country, and knowing I had been acquainted with Lord Byron, he requested me to introduce him to his Lordship.

than Occurrences 1%

It is very apparent that, when these three orbs occupy the position assigned them above, the influence of the unknown planet upon Herschel will be exercised in the highest degree, and consequently that Herschel will be drawn farther from the sun at that juncture than at any other; and if we know where Herschel is, when this effect is produced, by prolonging the line through Herschel outward, it must pass through the new planet.

above Occurrences 1%

The conduct of the Princess his wife was at this juncture above all praise.

without Occurrences 1%

I am happy in the persuasion that this double object can be most easily and effectually accomplished at the present juncture without any departure from the spirit and principle of the statute in question.

among Occurrences 1%

Happily for the main body, they found themselves at this juncture among Indians who were amicably disposed.

as Occurrences 1%

But so philosophical a resignation, while it inclines our souls to know more of you personally, nevertheless renders you much less interesting in such a juncture as the present.

between Occurrences 1%

When he set out to go and take the command in Italy, he found himself at the head of an army numerous indeed, but badly equipped, badly paid, and at grips with Prosper Colonna, the most able amongst the chiefs of the coalition formed at this juncture between Charles V. and Pope Leo X. against the French.

during Occurrences 1%

[Sidenote:3] The Scythians, too, were in fighting humor, when at this juncture during a deliberation of theirs thunder and lightning-flashes with rain suddenly broke over them, and thunderbolts began to fall, killing their three foremost men.

for Occurrences 1%

And what need is there of mentioning the honors bestowed upon him at this juncture for his exploit or from time to time upon the other emperors who were like him?

Which preposition to use with  junctures