Which preposition to use with maubeuge

on Occurrences 3%

"This position rested on the fortress of Maubeuge on the right and extended west to Jenlain, southeast of Valenciennes on the left.

from Occurrences 2%

howitzer shelled Maubeuge from it.

in Occurrences 2%

I make this assertion after viewing the visible results of the operations of the German 42-centimeter guns in Belgium and France, notably at Liege in the former country and at Maubeuge in the latter.

before Occurrences 1%

We had thanked the young lieutenant and had bade him good-by, and were starting off again, hoping to make Maubeuge before night, when suddenly it struck me that the one thing about La Buissière I should recall most vividly was not the sight of it, all stricken and stunned and forlorn as it was, but the stench of it.

by Occurrences 1%

It went on to add that the exact nature of that business had best not be divulged until the young man should find himself at the American Legation, and ended by urging Mr. Calvert not to delay his departure from Maubeuge by a day, if possible.

toward Occurrences 1%

We spent the better part of a day in two of the forts which were fondly presumed to guard Maubeuge toward the northFort Des Sarts and Fort Boussois; but Fort Des Sarts was the one where the 42-centimeter gun gave the first exhibition of its powers upon French soil in this war, so we went there first.

without Occurrences 1%

This disastrous news being confirmed the following day by further despatches, Lafayette was forced to fall back to Maubeuge without striking a blow, and thus ended Calvert's hopes of seeing a campaign which had promised most brilliantly.

Which preposition to use with  maubeuge