Which preposition to use with moonshine

in Occurrences 7%

the moonshine in the water!

with Occurrences 2%

"Though the Courts, that were manifold, dwindle To divers Divisions of One, And no fire from your face may rekindle The light of old learning undone, We have suitors and briefs for our payment, While, so long as a Court shall hold pleas, We talk moonshine with wigs for our raiment, Not sinking the fees.

for Occurrences 2%

For in the late afternoon a broad moon was already climbing up from the east; the sky was cloudless; there was a threat of keen, revealing moonshine for the night.

on Occurrences 2%

Across the sea of gold made by the moonshine on the field of snow flies the deer, to disappear in the depth of the forest beyond.

through Occurrences 2%

The creatures, it seems, like most deep-sea organisms, were phosphorescent, and they had been floating, five fathoms deep or so, like creatures of moonshine through the blackness of the water, their tentacles retracted and as if asleep, rolling over and over, and moving slowly in a wedge-like formation towards the south-east.

as Occurrences 1%

No; moonshine as little soils the hands as it oppresses the stomach.

of Occurrences 1%

The mouse-bat peers; the stealthy vole Creeps from the covert of its hole; A shimmering moth its pinions furls, Grey in the moonshine of his curls; 'Neath the faint stars the night-airs stray, Scattering the fragrance of the may; And with each stirring of the bough Shadow beclouds his childlike brow.

to Occurrences 1%

They then walk back to the parsonage door, where the author and his friend propose to spend the evening;but the Solitary prefers walking back in the moonshine to his own valley, after promising to take another ramble with them If time, with free consent, be yours to give, And season favours.

at Occurrences 1%

For an instant Hal Purvis stood framed against the pallid moonshine at the window.

between Occurrences 1%

I looked also, but although I have the keenest sight, it was quite impossible to see anything except the ragged patches of moonshine between the great black shadows of the trees.

about Occurrences 1%

You see, even if it's all moonshine about Hobart, as I'm quite prepared to believe it probably is, he's gone and given plausibility to the yarn by falling in love with Hobart's wife.

Which preposition to use with  moonshine