Which preposition to use with needle

in Occurrences 90%

Finding a needle in a hay-stack seemed much more simple than running upon a lad who was doing his best to remain hidden from view, unless, perchance, he had already been captured.

of Occurrences 63%

Lightly, lightly they lodge in the brown grasses and in the tasseled needles of the pines, falling hour after hour, day after day, silently, lovingly,all the winds hushed,glancing and circling hither, thither, glinting against one another, rays interlocking in flakes as large as daisies; and then the dry grasses, and the trees, and the stones are all equally abloom again.

to Occurrences 36%

Prevent it, resist it, let it not be so, Lest child, child's children, cry against you 'Woe!' The patriotism of the women is described by the Bastard in King John: Your own ladies and pale-visag'd maids Like Amazons come tripping after drums: Their thimbles into armed gauntlets change, Their needles to lances, and their gentle hearts To fierce and bloody inclination.

into Occurrences 26%

This round dident last more'n two minutes, for as soon as they got me down, they all stuck their confounded needles into me, and then left me lookin' more like a porkupine than a human bein'.

with Occurrences 25%

High overhead the gentle breeze still sighed among the pines, and whispered secrets as it passed through the fragrant green needles with their attendant cones.

for Occurrences 24%

Their play had been always out of doors, on the mosses under tall trees, where fragrant balsams dropped cushions of springy needles for the feet; their labour, the gathering of brush and chips for the fire in winter, the dropping corn, and, with the older boys, the hoeing of it in spring and summerall under God's open sky.

at Occurrences 16%

At last he notices that there is a slight movement of the galvanometer needle at the moment of making and breaking the circuit.

from Occurrences 13%

All of the thought in the world will not draw a steel needle to a bit of wood; all of the thought in the world will not hold back the same needle from a magnet.

through Occurrences 12%

They would find driving the needle through much facilitated by a skilful use of the table formerly described.

by Occurrences 7%

Hosswhipt by 17 wimmenbesides bein' stuck full of needles by a lot more.

on Occurrences 7%

Then Félicité uttered: "They have no sympathy, they do not care!" Her head fell forward again, and from time to time, mechanically, she toyed with the long knitting-needles on the work-table.

without Occurrences 4%

Silent labor consumed her; for twenty years she had been desperately selling bits of cotton and packages of needles without ever making a fortune, but pleased, nevertheless, at being able to add her modest gains to her husband's monthly salary in order to provide him with sundry little comforts.

as Occurrences 4%

Close beside her sat little Miss Priscilla busy with her needle as usual, but now she paused, and lifting her head in her quick, bird-like way, looked up at Anthea, long, and fixedly.

than Occurrences 4%

'It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom.'

near Occurrences 3%

Mrs. Delano, who was busy with her crochet-needle near the open window, was surprised to see a light little figure seated on a donkey riding up the avenue.

out Occurrences 3%

I wonder how the show will get along without us for a week, 'cause they sentenced me to go along with pa, so I could be handy to hold his hands when the doctors are pulling cactus needles out of his hide.

toward Occurrences 3%

And when he had come to the bend in the stairs his eyes turned back to hers, slowly and irresistibly, drawn toward them, as it seemed, just as the sunflower is drawn toward the sun, or the needle toward the pole, or, in fine, as the eyes of young gentlemen ordinarily are drawn toward the eyes of the one woman in the world.

towards Occurrences 2%

He saw the tips of the fir trees shimmer, and heard them whisper as the breeze turned their needles towards the light.

throughout Occurrences 1%

The average declination of the needle throughout this district I found to be 1 degree east, the result of many amplitudes and azimuths; there is, however, in the vicinity of many of the volcanic hills great local attraction.

against Occurrences 1%

But her hand is feeble, and weapon small: One little needle against them all!

like Occurrences 1%

These lines of magnetic force act on magnetic needles like other lines of magnetic force and tend to set movable magnetic needles at right angles to the conducting wire.

under Occurrences 1%

Insert a needle under the skin a little distance back from the blister and push it through to the opposite side.

until Occurrences 1%

" I didn't go out that afternoon, and sat on pins and needles until half-past five o'clock.

above Occurrences 1%

It has two notes, two keys rather, that Eolian-harp of fir-needles above my head; according as the wind is east or west, the needles dry or wet.

along Occurrences 1%

You are needled along of some parties,er course you ain't fly to their names, As has bin himitating Yours Truly.

Which preposition to use with  needle