Which preposition to use with roasting

in Occurrences 54%

"Sure, the little haythen'll have a foine Christian Christmas wid that same to roast in the coals, begorra!" and they all went to bed save Mac, who had not returned, and the Boy, who put on his furs, and went up the hill to the place where he kept the Christmas-tree lodged in a cotton-wood.

on Occurrences 23%

[Illustration: ] They had just been eating their supper of deer's flesh, roasted on the coals, and after a time one of the savages, as an experiment, took up a bone of meat and offered it to him.

before Occurrences 17%

This we soon accomplished, and on our arrival home, we found huge pieces of moose and bear roasting before a blazing fire.

for Occurrences 17%

First they offered pa dog to eat, but he had swore off on dog, and passed on it, and that made the cannibals mad, and they got ready to roast pa, and I guess they would have eaten him half cooked, if it hadn't been for the performers and freaks who had missed their pet dogs, and the circus hands told them the cannibals had just gone to the woods with a mess of dogs to roast for a dog feast.

of Occurrences 15%

Season a rib-roast of beef with salt, pepper and ginger and rub with vinegar.

of Occurrences 15%

The roasting of coffee in the best manner requires great nic

to Occurrences 12%

On our return, we found a sirloin of moose roasted to a turn, a stake of bear-meat broiled on the coals, a stew of jerked venison, and as pleasant a dish of fried trout and pork as an epicure could desire.

at Occurrences 11%

After larding and trussing it, put it down to roast at a brisk fire; keep it well basted, and a short time before serving, dredge it with a little flour, and let it froth nicely.

with Occurrences 10%

10.French Roast with Carrots.

over Occurrences 9%

" When a lord's son came of age, in the olden time, the baron of beef was too small a joint, by many degrees, to satisfy the retainers who would flock to the hall; a whole ox was therefore generally roasted over a fire built up of huge logs.

without Occurrences 4%

Beneath it stands the dripping-pan, which we have also engraved, together with the basting-ladle, the use of which latter should not be spared; as there can be no good roast without good basting.

by Occurrences 4%

Roasting by the string, or spit, came in a century or two later, I forget in whose dynasty.

as Occurrences 3%

THE PRACTICE IN VOGUE FORMERLY in this country was to cut out the hams and cure them separately; then to remove the ribs, which were roasted as "spare-ribs," and, curing the remainder of the side, call it a "gammon of bacon.

until Occurrences 3%

Put in the dripping-pan with some hot water and let roast until tender.

from Occurrences 2%

Put it down to a brisk fire, keep it well basted, and roast from 1-1/2 to 2 hours, according to the size.

like Occurrences 2%

The beverage known as cocoa comes from the seeds of the cocoa-tree, which are roasted like the coffee berries to develop the aroma.

between Occurrences 2%

Cooking utensils are not wanted, as the cookery of the Indians does not include soups or sauces, their provisions being simply roasted between hot stones.

under Occurrences 2%

The esculent root which is known in the Spanish islands by the name of batata, is here named ingame by the Negroes, and is their principal food, either boiled or roasted under the ashes.

through Occurrences 1%

his liver smoky, his lungs dried up, insomuch that he verily believed his soul was either sodden or roasted through the vehemency of love's fire."

than Occurrences 1%

A leg of mutton requires a longer time to roast than a shoulder.

than Occurrences 1%

By my truth, truly had I not come in the rather, She had laid me to the fire the loin of veal and capon both together, Not weighing (like an unwitty girlish mother), That the one would ask more roasting than the other; So that either the veal had been left stark raw, Or else the capon burnt, and so not worth a straw.

into Occurrences 1%

* Cold Roast Beef Stewed Cut the remains of a cold roast into pieces, flour the pieces and fry in butter until brown.

in Occurrences 1%

No apple-roasting in winter evenings.

Which preposition to use with  roasting