7 Metaphors for logos

The logos or son is the nature of the imagination made objective, the satisfaction of the need for mental images, the reflected splendor of the imagination.

The logos or son is the nature of the imagination made objective, the satisfaction of the need for mental images, the reflected splendor of the imagination.

In the profound double significance of the original, the Logos is the Word or the Reason.

Reason, as one with the absolute will, ('In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God',) and therefore for man the certain representative of the will of God, is above the will of man as an individual will.

On its Eastern side, the Logos is the 'Archangel,' the 'Captain of the hosts of heaven,' the 'Mother-city' from which they issue as colonists, the 'Vice- gerent' of the Great King [Endnote 287:1].

On its Platonic side the Logos is the Idea of Ideas summing up the world of high abstractions which themselves are also regarded as possessing a separate individuality; they are Logoi by the side of the Logos.

The Logos or "Word" of St. John's Gospel (ch. i. I) is the demiurgus of platonizing Christians.

7 Metaphors for  logos