Which preposition to use with streak

of Occurrences 453%

At night, the moon presented, with much greater truth, a comet-like aspect; a pale, and singularly clear, fast traveling shape of fire, trailing streaks of cold flame.

with Occurrences 138%

After this general view, mark how sharply the dark snowless ribs and buttresses and summits of the peaks are defined, excepting the portions veiled by the banners, and how delicately their sides are streaked with snow, where it has come to rest in narrow flutings and gorges.

in Occurrences 48%

It indicated a streak in his moral nature akin to and quite as curious as his excessive neatness regarding his immediate surroundings.

ON Occurrences 27%


across Occurrences 12%

Then, smiling and rubbing with the back of her free hand at a flour-streak across her cheek: "Ifif it's the lady from the orphan asylum come to see about thethe little kid we wantis there anything I can do for you?

down Occurrences 6%

The claws were drawn in, and the eyes were a dull gray, with just a little narrow dark streak down the centre.

through Occurrences 5%

Across 'Sieur George's crown, leaving a long, bare streak through his white hair, was the souvenir of a Mexican sabre.

along Occurrences 5%

There was no mistaking the deep, silken texture of the rug upon which he stepped; the glow of light barely reached the wall, and there showed faintly in streaks along yellowish hangings.

from Occurrences 5%

The silence spoke the end of some tragedy with the first streaks from the rising sun clearing a target to a waiting marksman's eye.

for Occurrences 3%

You see the Indians streaked for the woods, and mother got out by way of a window and ran to the next estate.

under Occurrences 3%

It was in spring weather, neither cold nor warm, now and then shiny, and again spattering with a heavy shower, or misty under a warm, slow rain,the snow still lying in little streaks under shady ridges,that I first saw the prairies of Illinois.

near Occurrences 2%

Thorax and elytra margined with obscure yellow, thorax with the anterior angles yellow, a few irregular punctures in the middle, and the posterior parts thickly dotted with impressed points; elytra with seven irregular lines of impressed dots, towards the tip they are irregularly dispersed, there are a few irregular yellow streaks near the margins of the elytra; under side blackish brown, tibiae and tarsi yellowish.

beneath Occurrences 2%

When the lightning was bright, one saw a low cloud that looked like steam, with a white streak beneath that marked the impact of the big rollers on the sandy coast.

at Occurrences 2%

Her hair was beginning to turn gray, and showed a streak at each side, over her temples.

to Occurrences 2%

From there on we goes in one 'oly murderin' streak to a point about 'alf-way up the 'ill where the Inn of the Good Samaritan stands on top.

off Occurrences 1%

That riled me consid'able, an' I streaked off tew May Jane Simlin's.

against Occurrences 1%

" He swung his arm; and following its swing we saw a mound of fresh-turned clay, perhaps twenty feet in length, which made a yellow streak against the green of a small inclosed pasture about a hundred yards away.

over Occurrences 1%

"[80] MOURNING LANGUAGE Australian women of the Port Lincoln tribes paint a ring around each eye and a streak over the stomach, and men mark their breasts with stripes and paints in different patterns.

past Occurrences 1%

Widely spaced at first, unbroken ranks were soon streaking past the tear-blind windows.

around Occurrences 1%

The cowpunchers, hearing that volleying of hoofbeats, went to spur and quirt to stave off the inevitable, but at five furlongs Lady Mary left her sisters and streaked around the tiring range horses into the lead.

above Occurrences 1%

Dr. Callandar pushed back his sweat-bedewed hair with fingers which left a fearsome streak above his left eyebrow.

as Occurrences 1%

This fact gave the impulse to that idea of similarity in the conditions of Mars and the earth, which the recognition of many large dusky patches and streaks as water, and the more ruddy and brighter portions as land, further increased.

behind Occurrences 1%

The water foamed at her bows and the black smoke poured out of her funnels, streaking behind her a long, sinister cloud.

below Occurrences 1%

"Her seams have opened a few streaks below the bends," said Roswell, as he and Daggett went under the vessel's bottom, looking out for injuries; "and you had better set about getting off the copper at once.

between Occurrences 1%

Upper parts frog green, with a rusty-yellow streak between two black lines on the crown.

Which preposition to use with  streak