Which preposition to use with urbanity

of Occurrences 26%

Havard, the actor, (better known from the urbanity of his manners, by the familiar name of Billy Havard) had the misfortune to be married to a most notorious shrew and drunkard.

in Occurrences 2%

In addition to this, there was also a pleasing urbanity in his manner that was certainly contrary to what might have been expected from his personal appearance and known burly character in business.

as Occurrences 1%

Mr. Tutt rose to the cross-examination with the same urbanity as before.

by Occurrences 1%

I suggested that she come with mean endeavor to rise to the Rumanian mood which was received with tolerant urbanity by her husband, and by the lady who looked like Nazimova with very cheering expressions of assent.

to Occurrences 1%

His urbanity to strangers is treasured with gratitude in many hearts.

with Occurrences 1%

Following the proud and insolent traditions of his maternal ancestors, he began to discard the mask of civil urbanity with which Cosimo and Lorenzo had concealed their despotism.

Which preposition to use with  urbanity