Which preposition to use with variegated

with Occurrences 47%

Committing the carriage to the charge of an ambâ, I half led, half carried Eveena along the avenue, overhung with the grand conical bellsgold, crimson, scarlet, green, white, or striped or variegated with some or all these coloursof the glorious leveloo, the Martial convolvulus.

in Occurrences 3%

All that is variegated in marbles adorns the altars; all that is bewitching in paintings is transferred to mosaics.

as Occurrences 2%

On we glide over the beautiful sea anemone, half animal, half vegetable, with its colors as variegated as a rose garden.

as Occurrences 1%

The colors of the different Oaks are neither so brilliant nor so variegated as those of Maples; but they are more enduring, and serve more than those of any other woods to give character to our autumnal landscapes.

in Occurrences 1%

Amongst all the magnificent toilettes composed to do honour to the lady whose card of invitation heads this chapter, none appeared more variegated in colour, more startling in effect, than that of Miss Puckers the maid.

Which preposition to use with  variegated