Which preposition to use with wineglasses

of Occurrences 16%

The Penniman Sunday dinner was based notably on chicken, as were all other Sunday dinners in Newbern, and his father, when he entered the house, was already beginning the gayety by pledging Mrs. Penniman in a wineglass of the Ajax Invigorator.

in Occurrences 2%

"Now, Peter, please hand me one of those wineglasses in the religious section of my libraryI always keep two or three glasses among my religious works, in memory of the fact that our Lord and Master wrought a miracle at the feast of Cana, especially to bless the cup.

at Occurrences 2%

In my excitement I hurled my wineglass at the head of one of the company who expressed himself in regard to my uncle in a manner insulting to a degree.

for Occurrences 1%

Set the table as usual, have everything fresh and clean; a wineglass for each person, and an extra one placed near the platter of the man who conducts the seder.

to Occurrences 1%

" In the sacred precincts of the Penniman parlour Wilbur Cowan raised the wineglass to his lips and tasted doubtingly.

under Occurrences 1%

I cannot get a dozen handsome wineglasses under three guineas, nor a pair of small decanters for less than a guinea and a half.

with Occurrences 1%

Tall, square base, with reliefs, fluted columns, queer top;looks like an inverted wineglass with a shaving-brush standing up on it: representative of flame, probably.

Which preposition to use with  wineglasses