102 Verbs to Use for the Word cigarettes

He allowed a smile to break and fade, then lighted his cigarette.

After he had gone, remained Percy Darrow leaning indolently against the taffrail, his graceful figure swaying with the ship's motion, smoking always the corn-husk Mexican cigarettes which he rolled with one hand.

He eyed me thoughtfully, while he rolled with one hand a corn-husk Mexican cigarette.

Lister threw away his cigarette.

She laughed cheerfully as she took a cigarette from the mantelpiece and lit it.

Mortimer looked thoughtful, and held an unlighted cigarette.

Am I misinterpreting what was in your mind?" As he spoke, he offered her a cigarette from a box on the mantelpiece.

I can't explain now, but you'll understand one of these days, and you'll say I was right.' 'Oh, I see!' Logotheti smiled and held out his case, for Feist had finished the first cigarette.

He took his guests to a corner of the spacious rotunda where a throbbing electric fan blew away the flies, and Duveen gave him a cigarette.

A second cry broke from her lips, shrill with terror, she tottered and fell as, dropping his cigarette, Lanyard ran to her.

And one of these laws seems to be that in our little planet, might makes right" He stayed to puff his cigarette.

The sands are richvery rich!" He had become a trifle flushed as he talked, and now, perhaps to cover his emotion, he carefully selected a cigarette from the humidor beside him and lighted it without haste before he spoke another word.

The colonel spoke with emphasis, and flung away his cigarette, and took up his hat to go.

Then, again, Senoussi lives up that way"he waved his cigarette to the westward"the Khalifa might send a message to him along that route.

Jack accepted a cigarette.

Rhyming Joe laid his cigarette aside, straightened up in his chair, and again faced the lawyer squarely.

Eve de Montalais flicked away her cigarette and sat forward, elbows on knees, hands laced, her level gaze holding his.

It joined itself to reality by a very solid pair of shoulders, and a man sauntered into the twilit mouth of the cavern, removed a cigarette from his lips, and gave them greeting.

Having eaten ferociously, Dupont came out, slouched into a seat on a bench and, his thick limbs a-sprawl, consumed cigarette after cigarette in most absolute abstraction of mind.

Where did he go?" De Chauxville picked up the cigarette, looked at it curiously, as at a relicthe relic of the moment of strongest emotion through which he had ever passedand threw it into the ash-tray.

O'Brien, ostentatiously producing a cigarette, lounged out through the side door leading to the jury room and prison cells.

The ladies, of course, have the same easy method of showing a desire for silence and reflection in a country where nurses carrying infants usually smoke in the streets, and where a dainty confectioner's assistant places her cigarette between her lips in order to leave her hands free for the service of her customers.

He smoked and seemed to enjoy his cigarette.

I may as well tell you to begin with: I was wakeful last night, and finding no cigarettes in my room, came down here to get some.

And if there's any mercy in your corpus tell me if Jackpine brought me the cigarettes from Le Pas.

102 Verbs to Use for the Word  cigarettes