5 Verbs to Use for the Word ignition

"When the rain comes, won't it counteract the ignition of that phosphorus?"

"You will at once remove to a hangar the biplane of Monsieur Power," I told him, "and disconnect the ignition.

The old matchlock, invented in 1471, gave way to a substitute scarcely less clumsy, and known by the initiated as the wheel-lock, the ignition taking place by the motion of the steel wheel against a fixed flint placed in the midst of the priming.

E E E are each priming charges of seven grains of pistol powder, made up in shalloon bags to insure the ignition of the bursting charge, which is in a bag of serge and shalloon beneath.

It may possibly suggest that lambent ignition of the brain which the fiery drinks of the establishment produce, and which so many infatuated victims think delightful.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  ignition