4 Verbs to Use for the Word meditate

Prov. iv. 13, resist the devil, and he will fly from thee, pour out thy soul unto the Lord with sorrowful Hannah, "pray continually," as Paul enjoins, and as David did, Psalm i. "meditate on his law day and night.

His attention will be attracted to our love, and so you will have it out with him, whilst I retire a little waynot farand meditate upon Mr. Hope's strange words, and ponder over many things that have happened within my recollection.

A man who shuts himself up meditates, and for such men to meditate is to premeditate.

'You take off them two back tires,' I says, 'while I sit 'ere an meditate on the ways of Harabs!

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  meditate