24 Verbs to Use for the Word rumbles

As she set her foot on the first plank of the bridge she heard a little rumble of sound, and down the road came a light, two-seated vehicle, with coloured driver, and Miss Lydia Sessions taking her sister's children out for an early morning drive.

The mended engine ran well and the regular splash of water, flung out from the big discharge pipe, drowned the languid rumble of the surf.

Rowena rides the rumble.

" As Bruce turned the barrel of his deadly weapon, he caught the low rumble of many voices.

The great sword clattered to the floor; but now, even as she sank in his embrace, she held him off to stare with eyes of sudden terror as, upon the stilly night broke a thunderous rumble, a shock, and thereafter sudden roar and outcry from afar, that swelled to a wild hubbub of distant voices and cries, lost, all at once, in the raving clamour of the tocsin.

Their menace was to the northbeyond the chasm out of which came the rumble and roar of the stream.

Two half-naked men, their skins shining with sweat, turned the air-pumps handles, and the rattle of the cranks cut the dull rumble of the surf.

Breakfast was soon dispatched, the camp equipage, blankets, etc., stowed in one of the wagons; and very shortly the still morning air bore to our ears the distant rumble of heavy wagons, the shouts of the teamsters, and the many sounds indicating the approach of a large train.

As soon as it left Monval station on its way to Janville, it gave token of its coming, but so faintly that only a practised ear could distinguish its rumble amid the other sounds rising from the country side.

Some for the Glories of This World; and some Sigh for the Prophet's Paradise to come; Ah, take the Cash, and let the Credit go, Nor heed the rumble of a distant Drum! Look to the blowing Rose about us"Lo, Laughing," she says, "into the world I blow, At once the silken tassel of my Purse Tear, and its Treasure on the Garden throw.

As the train rolled on and the babble of voices about them joined the crunching rumble of the wheels, he wanted to lean close to her and tell her how a few hours had changed the world for him.

Thus passed away the last rumble of the storms which had filled the years 1912-13 in south-eastern Europe.

The last words rose to a high, clear shriek, which pierced the heavy rumble of the train and rang throughout the car.

He could never get it to hold, and I remember as an undertone to Pulz's reading, the rumble of strange, exasperated oaths.

Through a single shiplap partition rose a rumble of masculine talk, where the logging crew loafed in their bunkhouse.

We see the rushing, rapid stream under Avista's yellow clay declivities: the yellow water falls like fluid amber in picturesque cataracts before the copper-works, where rainbow-coloured tongues of fire shoot themselves upwards, and the hammer's blows on the copper plates resound to the monotonous, roaring rumble of the elv-fall.

No other sound, save when a wagon now and then rolls its quick rumble across a bridge, and then is gone like some self-conscious intruder.

It can be had in Paris, where it is easy to live shut off from the world, hearing nothing save the monotonous rumble of life in the streets; but let no one talk to me about the blessed quietude of the country in France, unless it be that of the bare moor or mountain or desolate seashore.

They ventured quite out to the very edge of the declivity, as they were bred here and accustomed to the hollow, thundering rumble of the water.

They gave the cash and let the credit go; they thoroughly appreciated the rumble of a distant drum.

He understood now the strange rumble and reverberation he had heard; he understood now the strange hush of bird and beast in brake and thicket!

All at once, however, arose a distant rumble of wheels and an engine whistled.

Deep down in his chest there began the low rumble of a growl.

The lightning darted down towards the earth, or across from cloud to cloud, and the thunder boomed and rolled along the heavens, its deep rumble shaking the ground like an earthquake.

24 Verbs to Use for the Word  rumbles