71 Verbs to Use for the Word shrub

The species forms a large shrub or low tree with oblong, elliptical, sub-evergreen leaves.

To grow this shrub to perfection, peaty soil or decayed vegetable matter will be found most suitable.

The hard prickles with which both stem and branches are provided renders the shrub of rather formidable appearance, while the leaves are of a peculiarly pleasing soft-green tint.

Alow, spreading shrub, with long wiry shoots, clothed with neat trifoliolate leaves, and bearing an abundance of its purple, Pea-shaped flowers.

Ah! here are the maidens of the hermitage coming this way to water the shrubs, carrying water-pots proportioned to their strength.

By every mesa spring one may expect to find a single shrub of the buckthorn, called of old time Cascara sagradathe sacred bark.

No burrower is so unwise as not to have several exits from his dwelling under protecting shrubs.

To cultivate this handsome shrub in a satisfactory way, fairly rich loam or peat, and a situation sheltered from cold and cutting winds, are necessities.

Far aloft upon the heated rocks women were cutting down the tough shrub for firewood or manure, for it is put to both uses.

1125 And many years did this poor Ass, Whom once it was my luck to see Cropping the shrubs of Leming-Lane, Help by his labour to maintain The Widow and her family.

Waste sandy Vallies, once perplexd with Thorn, The spiry Fir and shapely Box adorn: To leafless Shrubs the flow'ring Palms succeed, And od'rous Myrtle to the noisome Weed.

But Lanpher, heeding not at all Molly's cries of warning, spurred his sweating horse through the thimble-berry growth, breaking down three shrubs, and splashed cat-a-corneredly across the spring, the brook, and several rows of flowers.

Near yonder copse, where once the garden smiled, And still where many a garden flower grows wild; There, where a few torn shrubs the place disclose, The village preacher's modest mansion rose.

They set out shrub after shrub on every clear spot of earth they could find.

This portico is constructed of a series of stone columns between which and the main outside walls are planted dwarf shrubs, a net of hemp being stretched from the top of the walls to the architrave of the portico, and thence down to the stylobate or floor.

75 Now in the valleies wandring at their wills, Spread themselves farre abroad through each descent; Some on the soft greene grasse feeding their fills, Some, clambring through the hollow cliffes on hy, Nibble the bushie shrubs which growe thereby.

Good rich, well-drained loam will suit this shrub well.

The night was soft and dark; after being out in it for a time I could discern the shrubs dimly silhouetted against the light.

You drank the shrub, and now you pretend to have broken the bottle.

But I'll drap a slice of liver or two, My bloomin' shrub, with you.

The Due de Berri rose, a variety of R damascena, but having the petals more rounded and more regular, it is a low rather drooping shrub with delicately small branches.

By 1:00 o'clock we entered a desolate section of country consisting of barren sandy soil, scanty crops, and dwarfish shrubs and trees.

Aralia Sieboldi (Fig Palm).This shrub is an evergreen, and is generally given stove culture, though it proves quite hardy in the open, where its large deep-green leaves acquire a beauty surpassing those grown indoors.

" Crataegus Pyracantha (Fire Thorn).This hardy, ornamental shrub will grow in any soil.

Their soul seems to have something of the humming-bird which flits in and out the thickest shrubs, without getting entangled in their branches, or touching a single leaf.

71 Verbs to Use for the Word  shrub