59 Verbs to Use for the Word wrinkling

My father smiled again, and smoothed the wrinkles of his coat.

He had traveled without perturbment, it would seem, for his journeys had left no wrinkles on his bland forehead, neither was the light of restlessness in his quiet eyes.

Webster, in his "Vittoria Corombona," applies the term metaphorically: "The god of melancholy turn thy gall to poison, And let the stigmatic wrinkles in thy face.

Developments may have occurred of which they know nothing, and they could pick up many a wrinkle by a tour of inspection.

His black, round-featured face took on deep wrinkles of perplexity.

Mr. Spragg held her away at arm's length, a smile drawing up the loose wrinkles about his eyes.

He began to discover afresh the people around him, even those who had been most hostile to him, the intellectuals, and the politicians; and he saw plainly their wrinkles, their white hair, the bitter lines about their mouths, their bent backs, their shaky legs....

They gathered on the brim of Buck's slouch hat, filled out the wrinkles in his big coat, whitened his hair and his long mustache, and sifted into the yellow, twisting path that guided his horse's feet.

She wanted all his attentions herself, and so the little blonde was in something of a pet as she followed on into the house, and twisted her hat strings into a hard knot, which Frank had to disentangle for her, just as he had to kiss away the wrinkle which had gathered on her forehead.

He smiled very rarely, and when he did smile, his long upper lip unfastened itself with an effort and showed a horizontal wrinkle halfway between the pointed end of his nose and the irregular, nicked row of his teeth.

The clear morning light brought out the wrinkles and the crow's-feet with inexorable distinctness on his keen narrow face.

We occasionally meet with it in modern verse, though not very frequently, and only where the melody of the line seems to require it: as, "Time writes no wrinkle on thine azure brow.

Count Manuel's face was of remodeled stuff: youth had gone out of it, and the month of years had etched wrinkles in it, success had hardened and caution had pinched and self-complacency had kissed it.

But she only examined him curiously, a puzzled wrinkle at her brows vying with the set smile she still wore.

Get the peering glass, Yolanda, and find, if you can, a wrinkle on her face.

" "That may all be," said Mr. Jackson, with frowning wrinkles around the corners of his eyes, "but it looks suspicious.

" "I am now at the same distance from London that you are from Paris, and could fall into solitary amusements with a good deal of taste; but I resist it, as a temptation of Satan, and rather turn my endeavours to make the world as agreeable to me as I can, which is the true philosophy; that of despising it is of no use but to hasten wrinkles" (she wrote to Lady Mar in 1725).

Some day, Mike would have his imitators,boys who pulled faces like his, and prided themselves on having the Laflin wrinkles; just as it was once the fashion for girls to look like Burne-Jones pictures, or young poets to imitate Mr. Swinburne.

Here there is no escape for you from acquiring a little more wealth to-day, a little more meadowland to-morrow, with daily a little more applause and honor and envy from your fellows, along with always slowly increasing wrinkles and dulling wits and an augmenting paunch, and with the smug approval of everybody upon earth and in heaven.

"I stepped up to the glass to look more closely at my face, to mark the crow's-feet and intersecting wrinkles in the shrunken skin.

Here, Adam unscrewed his hat, and knocked out the wrinkles against his knee, which done, he glanced at Anthea: "Whywhat is it, Miss Anthea?

At the word Africa, the old soldier's eyes brightened, his forehead lost its wrinkles, and a smile came to his lips.

KIKI-THE-DEMURE ... your truffle of a nose works up and down and makes another wrinkle in your irregular mug.

Mrs. Callender, the only member of her family who was of Northern birth and rearing, was a small slim woman whose smile came whenever she spoke and whose dainty nose went all to merry wrinkles whenever she smiled.

Tears ran down his aged cheeks, moistening the wrinkles and furrows now so apparent.

59 Verbs to Use for the Word  wrinkling