15 adjectives to describe baking

Pt. 3. (Siebel Institute of Technology course in scientific baking, lesson 4) © 28Feb47;

Cover with a crust as for Apple Tart, and when light, bake in a moderately quick oven.

Sally, with the help of Mary Ann, did considerable preliminary baking, and the Ferrys, hearing of the coming event, contributed a large basketful of garden produce.

So it happened that while Gloria fought her losing battle all alone, Mark King sat at Spalding's table, not a hundred yards away, and made a silent meal of coffee and bread of Jim's crude baking, and a dubious, warmed-over stew.

Last Easter the customary baking of cakesa time-honoured ceremony in Germany-was forbidden all over Prussia from April 1 to 26.

Cover, let rise again, and when double in bulk, which should be in about one hour, bake in moderate oven forty-five minutes.

" Meanwhile, the women folk on the farm were making preparations for a feast; and just on that day when the lady squirrel had been captured, they were busy with an elaborate bake.

But elaborate baking may also be done.

But deprive a Fat man of his little clam-bake, and it would be full as pleasant as settin' down onto a Hornet's nest, when the Hornet family were all to home.

As we passed an open door, the pleasant smell of oatcake baking came suddenly upon me.

Sally, with the help of Mary Ann, did considerable preliminary baking, and the Ferrys, hearing of the coming event, contributed a large basketful of garden produce.

If a piece of soft yellow paper burns golden brown in five minutes the oven is moderately hot; if it takes four minutes the oven is hot, if seven minutes is required the oven is fit for slow baking.

Set in warm place to and, when double its bulk, bake in hot oven until brown and crusty.

For thorough baking, from one to one and a half hours are needed, according to the size of the loaf and the heat of the oven.

Upon this was a pitcher, some glasses, and a plate full of cakes, which, when she came under the tree, they saw were delicious-looking buns, as light and brown as good yeast and careful baking could make them.

15 adjectives to describe  baking