25 adjectives to describe furnishing

The bed, a single chair and a mirror and stand were its sole furnishing.

Those artistic furnishings aroused within a love of the beautiful which I did not know I possessed.

However, it was no great while before we were below, and here we found the main cabin to be empty, save for the bare furnishings.

" It has a room of its own in the Lower Temple, with circulating library, piano and all the cheerful furnishings of a parlor in the home.

Some houses have lost roofs; some have lost side walls, so that one can gaze straight into them and see the cluttered furnishings, half buried in shattered masonry and crumbled plaster.

Orgies and midnight revelry became things of the past, but their place was taken by delightful days spent at the Château of Choisy, that regal little pleasure-house between the waters of the Seine and the Forest of Sénart, with all its marvels of costly and artistic furnishing.

He saw the customary furnishings of such a place; hammocks, bags and chests, several of the last marked with Russian characters.

It was a beautiful room, the sombre hues of its book-lined walls relieved by the rich and mellow tones of its rugs and draperies, the distinguished furnishings of the writing-table, and the subdued gleam of a wonderful reading-lamp of wrought copper which had been given to Brown by Sue herself.

It illumined the gaudy furnishings of the room and the costly pictures upon the walls.

Once inside, however, they forgot how impatient they had been to see the palace and its gorgeous furnishings, they were so interested and amused by the homely furnishings and neat little arrangements so proudly displayed to them by the Corn-cob Queen.

Once inside, however, they forgot how impatient they had been to see the palace and its gorgeous furnishings, they were so interested and amused by the homely furnishings and neat little arrangements so proudly displayed to them by the Corn-cob Queen.

One has the sense of living at a tremendously high mental pressure; of impressions, emotions, sensations crowding upon the mind; of one's whole meager outfit of memory, of poetic equipment, and of imaginative furnishing being unequal to the demand made by even the most hurried tour of the great buildings, or the most flitting review of the noble massing of the clouds and the hilly seas.

Here was the indispensable furnishing and he must get it.

The size of the rooms and their majestic furnishings were almost barbaric in their splendor.

Stories occupy the place of books, and tales of the marvellous furnish a substitute for the evening papers.

"The opium habit alters a man's character profoundly; and, somehow, apart from the mere furnishing, a room reflects in some subtle way, but very distinctly, the personality of its occupant, especially when that occupant lives a solitary life.

There was nothing in the plain and rather businesslike furnishings of this room to suggest the somber and sordid scenes daily enacted here.

And in conjunction with his scholarly furnishing there was an absorbing, consuming zeal for Christ and His kingdom, and an intense love for the Chinese people.

Much of the solid and comfortable furnishing of the hacienda had come from the old English house of the Carreras' in Surrey.

Macaulay mentions the "bales of tapestry" and other accessories which were sent to Holland to fit up the camp quarters of Louis le Grand when he went there to take the command of his army against William III., and he also tells us of the sumptuous furnishing of the apartments at St. Germains when James II., during his exile, was the guest of Louis.

This light, subdued and somber though it was, slowly fading, verging toward a night of May, disclosed unusual furnishings.

Why not build in brick frankly, since its water-coloring and capacity for ingeniously varied arrangement furnish so many resources?

The place had been equipped after a fashion by deer-hunters or mountain hikers, who brought additional furnishings to the place each year and left mouldy provisions and unconsumed firewood behind.

A long table with rough redwood benches around it, a few straight-backed chairs against the wall, and Jakie's half-concealed bed, in the far corner, constituted the visible furnishings of this memorable room, which was so spick and span in German order and cleanliness, that even its clay floor had to be sprinkled in regular spots and rings before being swept.

* m. love; * propio* self-esteem *amoroso* love (as in "love letters"), loving *amueblar* furnish *análisis* m. analysis *anciano* m. old man *ancho* wide *andaluz* Andalusian *andar* walk, go; *se en miramientos* be too particular; * a tientas* grope (as in darkness)

25 adjectives to describe  furnishing