6 adjectives to describe grenadiers

"This time the brave grenadiers have saved us," said Roon.

They had fought valiantly beside King Louis' musketeers, and in alliance with the painted warriors of the forest; later on they served, though perhaps with less heart, under the gloomy ensign of Spain, shared the fate of the red-coated grenadiers of King George, or followed the lead of the tall Kentucky riflemen.

"It is not by such as you," she replied, with lofty scorn; "it is not by such as you that I judge of the French people, but by brave men like these;" and she pointed to the gentlemen who were standing round her as her champions, and to the faithful grenadiers.

Well, let them'tis their naturetwirl, And Smiths adore their twirlings, Which kill with envy every girl That fingers lace at Urling's, I laugh while I lament to see A fellow, made to measure 'Gainst grenadiers of six feet three, "Die down the dance" with pleasure.

Would their idol and their pride, He whom they had deified, Leave his royal grenadiers, Veteran troops of twenty years?

Peggy, with her shoes on, possessed the stolid steadiness of a wooden grenadier, for the heaviness of the massive boots seemed to permeate her whole being, and communicated what might be considered a slow and heavy footfall to her intellect.

6 adjectives to describe  grenadiers