6 adjectives to describe modifier

But a third part of these, and as many more in the preceding list, are confessedly mere modifiers of Murray's compilation; and perhaps, in such a case, those have done best who have deviated least from the track of him whom they professed to follow.

Constructions of Relative Pronouns.+Relative pronouns may be used as subject, object, object of a preposition, subject of an infinitive, and possessive modifier.

It is one strong proof of this, that we have heretofore been content to receive our digests of English grammar, either from men who had had no practical experience in the labours of a school-room, or from miserable modifiers and abridgers, destitute alike of learning and of industry, of judgement and of skill.

Except Comly, the numerous modifiers of Murray's Grammar are none of them more consistent, on this point, than was Murray himself.

Constructions of Relative Pronouns.+Relative pronouns may be used as subject, object, object of a preposition, subject of an infinitive, and possessive modifier.

But, in the phrase, "more than five years afterwards," he would call the same words "a secondary modifier;" i. e., adverb.

6 adjectives to describe  modifier