4 adjectives to describe rapprochement

It will be remembered that Sir Edward Grey, in a last despairing effort to preserve peace, broached the idea of "some more definite rapprochement between the Powers," and though admittedly "hitherto too Utopian to form the subject of definite proposals," it may be hoped that the enormous difficulty of the task will not deter him from pleading before the future Congress the outraged cause of international goodwill.

Electricity, many as are its advantages for cosmopolitan rapprochements, is not invariably employed in the interests of truth, and newspaper correspondents, if not watched, are liable to be an even more dangerous form of international gossip than the more leisurely fabulist of ancient time.

There is a subtle rapprochement between leader and people in all great movements that divines instinctively any imposture.

We have to note, however, a most welcome rapprochement between Downing and Carmelite Streetsthe Daily Mail has praised the Foreign Office for an "excellent piece of work," and the scapegoat, unexpectedly caressed, is sitting up and taking nourishment.

4 adjectives to describe  rapprochement