7 adjectives to describe tumors

An ovarian tumor inevitably proves fatal in the long run if it is not removed.

Miss X. of Brooklyn, had suffered long and severely from a distressing tumor.

By the help of eight physicians, and in answer to prayer, partly of this meeting, a fearful tumor has been taken from me weighing twelve pounds, with three gallons of water in the sack.

Certain tumors of the thymus, presumably destructive of the gland substance proper, and thus cutting off its secretion, are accompanied by a singular muscle weakness and atrophy of the muscle cells, entirely out of proportion to the general damage suffered by the other cells of the body when affected by the poison of a malignant growth.

A painful tumor had developed itself on the back of her neck, and she had come up with her mother to Boston to consult Dr. Warren, who had advised its immediate removal.

That something was either an aneurysm or a solid tumor.

"For a long time I have been the subject of personal affliction, caused by two internal tumors of the worst type.

7 adjectives to describe  tumors