14 adverbs to describe how to dreadfuls

The letters received at that time told of indescribably dreadful sufferings for Christ's sake, and the sight of the Malagasy refugees who fled to Mauritius, fired her young soul with the desire to become a missionary.

It came without warning, or audible approach; and it was unspeakably dreadful.

What they didn't know you seethere was no program to tell themwas whether the thing was inspired or merely dreadful, and when it was over they sat in stony despair, waiting, like the children of Israel, for a sign.

This, then, and the fact that it is requisite to take measures of defence against ordinary conspirators, make the situation overwhelmingly dreadful.

The flat head, and vivid vicious eye, and darting tongue, were none of them lovely to behold; but the sort of threatening whirr produced by its rattle, together with the deepening and fading of the marks on its skin, either with its respiration or the emotions of fear and anger it was enduring, were peculiarly dreadful and fascinating.

" "Ralph, you are a conceited, fine gentleman, and positively dreadful.

It was real dreadful about ithe sold his farm and deposited all his money in this bank, he thought it was so sure!

" Little further passed that night between the young lord and his housekeeper; after taking some refreshment he retired to rest, and poor Annette also sought, under the auspices of circumspect Mistress Margery, repose in Castle Mortimer, little anticipating the singularly dreadful disclosure of the ensuing morning.

For my part, sick unto death, I kept my cabin till the universal and terribly dreadful apprehensions of our speedy fate made me get upon deck; and there I was affrighted indeed.

This, however, only dawned upon him later, when the experiment was complete and he had time to reflect upon it all next day; for, meanwhile, to see the proportions he had known since childhood alter thus before his eyes was unbelievably dreadful.

He had no idea what might happen, and it would be unthinkably dreadful to have the father present if anything went wrong.

The car was coming at lastpackedmen hanging on outsideeverybody looking so hotso dreadful.

Something unutterably dreadful, no doubt.

He passed his hand across his brow, like a man in intense agony, and a cold perspiration broke out, as by a dreadful inward working of the spirit, upon his forehead and temples, in large visible drops.

14 adverbs to describe how to  dreadfuls  - Adverbs for  dreadfuls