19 adverbs to describe how to probable

The fillibusters of Walker are still ready to set out, and the first moment past, when the question is to appear discreet, it is scarcely probable that they will meet with much restraint, now that the prudence of the North is no longer at hand to counterbalance the passions of Slavery.

That women are capable of the same seems exceedingly probable.

"All inductive inference is merely probable," says the present professor of logic, Thomas Fowler, in the University of Oxford.

Let us add that it is little probable, notwithstanding some slight evidence to the contrary, that M. Mérimée, at the date of the 2d December, had any direct relations with Louis Bonaparte.

This last consideration is so important as to make it overwhelmingly probable, apart from the evidence of history, that an increase in the supply of capital (and the same may be said of an increase in the supply of the other agents of production) will on balance increase the demand for labor.

It is true that Giorgione spent time and energy over fresco painting, and from the very publicity of such work as the frescoes on the Fondaco de' Tedeschi, he came to be widely known in this direction, but it is infinitely probable that his output in other branches was enormous.

It is, consequently, inherently probable that celestial beings, as well as man, may have revolted from the law of their Maker; and a fall accomplished among the inhabitants of heaven should no more surprize us than the fall of mortals on earth.

What makes this episode especially interesting is the conjecture that has been thrown out, and which seems intrinsically probable, that the 'lady' is Spenser's own Rosalinde, by whom he had been, jilted, or at least rejected, more than a quarter of a century before.

"It's possibleeven probable, Jack.

Isn't it possible that he took it off and laid it there?" "Possibleyesbut scarcely probable.

It is not precisely probable that three brothers, who have separated in early life, and have not heard of one another for twenty years, should find themselves seated side by side at an Italian table-d'hôte; yet such coincidences have occurred, and are creditable enough so long as nothing particular comes of them.

That the maiden herself observed this change, might also be inferred, from a richer glow which diffused itself over her features, though it is scarce probable that she was conscious of its effects.

It struck me as unpleasantly probable that he might come and spoil the harmony of my evening; if he came there first, the conspiracy would probably lose my aid at an early moment!

Discerning students of womankind, however, know that if every woman would make the best of her possibilities, physically, mentally, and spiritually, it would be delightfully probable that "in the merciful scheme of nature" there need be no plain women.

They wuz cramped for room in these humble homes, and wuz probable put to it for comforts.

You see the play thus altered is eminently probable, not to say realistic.

Here again, it is enormously probable that England would have struck upon the right side, if the English people had been the English Government.

Her aunt might be miserly, but Veronica, in her youth and health, could not think it even faintly probable that she should die before the elder woman and leave the latter her fortune.

An attack by France through Switzerland is also increasingly probable, if a complete reorganization of the grouping of the European States is effected.

19 adverbs to describe how to  probable  - Adverbs for  probable