6 Metaphors for capitalist

Just at the end of the last century, some Boston capitalists, for there were capitalists even in those days, although they reckoned their wealth by thousands rather than millions, sent two ships to this section to trade with the Indians for furs.

Another advertisement"to small capitalists" is a perfect puzzle; for the advertiser will not describe the "ready-money concern" to be disposed of, but says, "the principal article of sale is what is consumed, either in a greater or less degree, by almost every individual."

He is not a parasite to be fed by the capitalist, nor is the capitalist a parasite upon the working-power of the working-man.

In quartz-mining the capitalist has always been the organizing and controlling power.

These capitalists are the mainsprings of the system; but we should no more apply their energy and skill to the detailed operation of so mechanical a structure as a railroad, than we should attach the mainspring of a watch to the hands directly, without the intermediate connecting chains and wheels.

The great capitalists and monied men of the country are Northern men; the planters are men of large estates but restricted meansmany of them are deeply involved in debt, and there are very few who do not depend from year to year for their subsistence on the harvest of their fields and the chances of the cotton and rice crops of each season.

6 Metaphors for  capitalist