83 Metaphors for seated

[Hagley]: the seats are not the best, but there is not one absurdity.

The graciously shaped windows each frame a picturesince they are draughtless the window-seats are no mere mockeries as are the window-seats of earthand on the sill the sole thing to need attention in the room is one little bowl of blue Alpine flowers.

Upon cutting into those blazes it was seen that deep seated in the tree there was a scar, the surface of the original blaze, slightly decayed, and upon counting the rings (which indicate each year's growth of the tree) it was found that the blazes dated back to 1772, 1773, and 1774.

The seats below are substantial and high; very small people when they sit down in them go right out of sightif you are sitting behind you can't see them at all; people less diminutive show their occiput moderately; ordinarily-sized folk keep their heads and a portion of their shoulders just fairly in sight.

Here was the hearth, "the natural altar of the dwelling-room of man," as Aust beautifully expresses it; this was the seat of Vesta, and behind it was the penus or store-closet, the seat of the Penates; thus Vesta and the Penates are in the most genuine sense the protecting and nourishing deities of the household.

The seat of the law-making power, it is the centre of violence and disorder which disturb the peace and harmony of the whole Republic,the chosen resort for duelling, clandestine marriages, and the most stupendous thefts.

The canopied seats were very bulky and throne-like constructions, and were abandoned towards the end of the fifteenth century; and it is worthy of notice that though we have retained our word "chair," adopted from the Norman French, the French people discarded their synonym in favour of its diminutive "chaise" to describe the somewhat smaller and less massive seat which came into use in the sixteenth century.

The chief seat of the Sultan's power was the Province of Oran, and this was made the principal scene of operations.

At Colinton House, the seat of Sir David Forbes; Hopetown House, and Gordon Castle are also several large groups of hollies, apparently planted by the hand of Nature.

The seat, or rather the instrument of exterior vision, is the eye.

The platform on which the seats rested and the seats themselves are parts of three or four large rocks nicely fitted together.

The trading room of McGlenn offered no exception to the rule, and his window seats were good resting places for the casual barterer.

The seat of the Eldon family is at Encombe, a lovely cup-shaped hollow opening to the sea about a mile and a half away, and not far from the lonely Chapman's (or perhaps Shipman's) Pool, a deep and sheltered cove on the west of St. Aldhelm's Head.

The seats are rude benches; the Altars have no rails.

It is said the seat of pain is the prostate gland.

The Earl's chief seat was the castle of Pontefract, in the West Riding of Yorkshire.

The most ancient seat of scientific observation and of its application to practical purposes was Babylon, or at any rate the region of the Euphrates.

The central seat of character is the mind.

Numerous, too, in the trans-Tauric vilayets of Adana and Aleppo, the seat of their most recent independence, they are townsmen in the main, and not an essential element of the agricultural population.

But the chief seat of prosperity was the south.

And if you want to be comfortable in a herdic, sit sidewise and pretend that the seat is a horse.

The seat of the law-making power, it is the centre of violence and disorder which disturb the peace and harmony of the whole Republic,the chosen resort for duelling, clandestine marriages, and the most stupendous thefts.

There was an impression upon the public mind, natural enough from the continually augmenting velocity of the mail, but quite erroneous, that an outside seat on this class of carriages was a post of danger.

They rule like the unseen influence of mind over matter, and form, as it were, the soul of the state, whose seat, like that of reason, remains a problem exceeding human penetration.

Their seats were coffins, and their table was a coffin set upon a bier.

83 Metaphors for  seated