10 Words to use with andas

This will compel a reversion to tactical methods which made a fleet action a series of duels between pairs of combatants, anda thing to be pondered on seriouslynever enabled anyone to win a decisive victory on the sea.

He stands over a contemporary performance with all the self-conceit and self-importance of a country schoolmaster, tries it by technical rules, affects not to understand the meaning, examines the hand-writing, the spelling, shrugs up his shoulders and chuckles over a slip of the pen, and keeps a sharp look-out for a false concord anda flogging.

"Fifteen anda half!" Bruce looked up the gorge.

I 'ad a little job on 'anda job a bit above my 'ead, an' it got me dahn an' worried me: yus it didworried me.

When she came to know what marriage meant, anda man!

The crown used for the purpose was taken off the head of a statue of The Virgin in St. Mary's Abbey, anda quainter piece of ceremonial stillthe youthful monarch was, after the ceremony, hoisted upon the shoulders of the tallest man in Ireland, "Great Darcy of Flatten," and, in this position, promenaded through the streets of Dublin so as to be seen by the people, after which he was taken back in triumph to the castle.

He sucked in his breath anda voice whispered: "Drop that match an' grab yore ears.

But those filthy little dwarfs up there needed Him all the same: every man of them had a fiend tugging at his soul, like us, was lonely, wanted a God to help him, anda wife to love him.

" "I am staggered anda bit skeptical.

I give you my word of honor on that, as a fighter anda woman!"

10 Words to use with  andas