97 Words to use with numbers

Compiled under the American digest classification key number system.

R82572, 27Aug51, Louis J. Groth (A) GRUELLE, JOHN B. Raggedy Andy's number book.

Number stories.

R65202, 2Aug50, City Bank Farmers Trust Co. (E) <pb id='184.png' n='1950h2/A/0062' /> ALASKA REPORTS, edited, arr. and digested by James Wickersham; with key number annotations.

Reports of cases argued and determined in the Superior Court, Appellate Division, Chancery Division, Law Division and in the county courts of the State of New Jersey; index, synopsis, key number character & syllabi.

Hegel habilitated in 1801 at Jena, with a Latin dissertation On the Orbits of the Planets, in which, ignorant of the discovery of Ceres, he maintained that on rational groundsassuming that the number-series given in Plato's Timaeus is the true order of natureno additional planet could exist between Mars and Jupiter.

Developing number readiness.

In number land, by Mae Knight Clark & Laura Cushman.

Number play, by Mae Knight Clark & Laura Cushman.

HEASLET, M. A. Elementary number theory.

Cumulative table of key-number sections in the American digest key-number series, v1A-18A. © 5May24, A801212.

SEE Stretch, Lorena B. Beginner's number fun for first grade.

Beginners' number reader and workbook.

My number primer; modern practice book in arithmetic.

SEE Walker, John B. BARTELT, JOSEPH R. Cross-number puzzles.

There are but few true number games, but dominoes and card games introduce the number groups.

Musical horoscope and personal number guide.

Key number classification.

Now, everybody knows thet they ain't been a chicken thet has died for our nourishment sence Sonny has cut his eye-teeth but has give up its vitals to him, an' give 'em willin'ly, they bein' the parts of his choice; an' it was discouragin', after killin' a useless number o' chickens to git enough to pack his little lunch-bucket, to have her eat 'em upan' she forty year old

Manual of national reporter system and all key number digests, including the American digest system, reporter digests, state digests.

They ought to learn through actual number games, through keeping score for other games, and through any kind of calculation that is needed for construction or in real life.

There are a few occasions when interest is in actual number relations, as when a child for himself discovers that two sixes is six twos.

To counterbalance all this, the confederates are said to have lost not more than fifteen galleys, though a much larger number doubtless were rendered unfit for service.

"Now," said G.F.F.F.S., "I prognosticated that my maternal relative would become oblivions of my reiterated solicitations to perambulate the Avenue, and make the acquisition of four yards of cerulean hued ribbon," and she stamped her tiny number eights on the floor.

Of the slaveholders and other witnesses, who give the fore-going testimony, the reader will perceive that no one testifies to a larger allowance of corn than a peck for a week; though a number testify, that within the circle of their knowledge, seven quarts was the usual allowance.

97 Words to use with  numbers