92 Words to use with sons

The son avenger.

Lettres de Claude Debussy a son editeur.

DU MANOIR, FATHER. Jesus Christ, sa personne, son message, ses preuves.

du mal, de l'effet, de la cause, Du genre humain, de Dieu, du gouffre, il sent le poids; Le juge au front morose a son livre des lois, Le roi son sceptre d'or, le fossoyeur sa pelle.

Their answer was: "We are here because Perennis is plotting against you, and intends to make his son emperor.

Hugdietrich's life was unfortunately cut short a few months after this, and when he felt that he was about to die, he disposed of all his property, leaving the sovereignty of Constantinople to Wolfdietrich, and making his younger sons kings of lands which he had conquered in the south.

The lusty outlaw, lord of this large wood: He'll lead a king's son prisoner to a king, And bid the brother smite the brother dead.

I know them all; again, well-answer'd: Pray God, my youngest son profit no worse.

Come, let him bring his Sons hand, and all's done.

"Lord Beltane," said he, "son art thou of a mighty Duke; God send Mortain find in thee such another!

Say, if anything happened to me, would ye watch out for Mints?" "I wonder!" "S'pose, fer the sake of argyment, that one o' these sons o' guns did for mehay?" "'Tain't likely," said Smoky scornfully.

n'y avoit pas moyen de aier que ce fut une belle et bonne fleur de lys; mais comme la malle ne valoit pas un corset, les Commissaires se contentent de rayer les lys, au lieu que la malheureuse pendule, qui vaut bien 1200 livres, est, malgre son trefle, emportee par eux-memes, qui ne se fioient pas aux

Thy son liveth; messages from a soldier to his mother.

Other white men gave their colored sons freedom and money, and sent them to the free States.

Washington, Mary: death of, 33; son visits, 112; son sends money to, 114, 298.

HILLS, E. C. La Prance, son hlstoire, sa civilisation, cours elementaire.

"What do you think she is praying for so intently?" asked a wretched mischief-maker of the name of Valerius Omulus: "it is that you may die, and her son reign."

Vous l'avez juge timide, parce que son imagination, que l'on croyait ardente, qui n'etait que feroce, parassait exagerer souvent les maux de son pays.

Comment faire pour éviter les reproches du maitre à son retour?

My father, resolving not to imitate the folly of his ancestors, who had hitherto left the younger sons encumbrances on the eldest, destined me to a lucrative profession; and I, being careful to lose no opportunity of improvement, was, at the usual time in which young men enter the world, well qualified for the exercise of the business which I had chosen.

Au bas est la ville, qui l'entoure de trois côtés; mais elle est à son tour enveloppée, ainsi que lui, par une montagne en croissant, depuis grec jusqu'à mestre (depuis le nord-est jusqu'au nord-ouest).

Brochard, de son côté, proteste de son exactitude.

If the man who hath ill speeches from another, returneth those speeches afterwards; if the injured man returneth his injuries; if the chastised person chastiseth in return; if fathers slay sons, and sons fathers and if husbands slay wives, and wives husbands; then, O Krishna, how can birth take place in a world where anger prevaileth so!

* 43 dole man' na em' blem re leased' plumes breathe crim' son feath' ered soared dou' bly hom'

Jacques, son fils, septième du nom, et deuxième en Angleterre, fut chassé de ses trois royaumes; et pour comble de malheur on contesta à son fils [jusqu'à] sa naissance.

92 Words to use with  sons