2 Words to use with taedium

216; destroying a portion of it without necessity, iii. 224; liberty and licentiousness, ii. 130; luxury, effects of, ii. 170; political and private, ii. 60, 170; press, of the: See PRESS; pulpit, of the, iii. 59; taedium vitae, kept off by the notion of it, i. 394; teaching, of, ii. 249; iv. 216; thinking, preaching, and acting, of, ii. 252.

Weariness N. weariness, defatigation^; lassitude &c (fatigue) 688; drowsiness &c 683. disgust, nausea, loathing, sickness; satiety &c 869; taedium vitae &c (dejection) 837; boredom, ennui.

2 Words to use with  taedium