12 collocations for creased

In order to crease a wild horse the hunter requires to be a perfect shot, and it is not every man of the west who carries a rifle that can do it successfully.

Then a puzzled frown creased his forehead "The man who did the actual shooting," he said quietly"have you the slightest idea as to his identity?" "No."

Did yuh know it?" Dill carefully creased down the corner of the page where he was reading, untangled his legs and pulled himself up a bit in the chair.

Let Mrs. Upjohn's parish sew for its own poor, I won't crease my fresh dress holding that great, thick lump on my lap all the afternoon.

Barker paused; then a slow, calculating smile creased his lips.

Then a forced, sickly grin creased Lawrence's lipsbut his figure slumped, almost cringed.

But in my opinion creased neck very frequently so affects the passages to and from the head, that the organs that should work in depositing flesh, fat, or muscle become deranged, and the neck becomes weak and in a disordered state.

He had arranged himself so as not to crease a pair of new trousersall'Inglesenot that any Englishman would have worn such garmentsthey were too conspicuous; but his tailor tells him they are English, and Baldassare willingly believes him.

Then he turned, and creasing the paper between his fingers as he spoke, uttered a sentence that brought every man to his feet.

" His stubby forefinger travelled slowly round the coast-line until, coming to the extreme south-west corner, it stopped, and a mischievous smile creased his beard.

He staggered back with the basket, painfully conscious all the while that it was creasing his waistcoat, and dumped it down on the study floor.

But abroad in the town there was not enough of this complaisance nor of this passion for mere numerals to prevent worry from creasing the brow of Solon Denney.

12 collocations for  creased