19 collocations for revolutionise

She had been vividly impressed by the scene in which they had just participated, she had for a time believed in the manifestations; the swift exposure had violently revolutionised her ideas.

We must revolutionise our Governments; we must recognise the abject folly of allowing these vital questions of peace, war, and armaments to be decided according to the caprice or advantage of a single man, a clique of courtiers, a gang of adventurers, or the Cabal of a Cabinet formed from the very classes which have most to gain and least to lose, whether from actual war or the competition in armaments.

He has really, this time at any rate, without any touch of exaggeration in the phrase, found something to revolutionise human life.

That spirit has revolutionised many a false notion about Christianity as it has about Islam.

Within that period, the American Union, after a tremendous war, has revolutionised the social institutions of the South, and reconstructed the constitution.

He attacks the curriculum and tells us we must reduce or revolutionise instruction and exercise in the dead languages, introduce a broader handling of history, a more inspiring arrangement of scientific courses, and so forth.

While cannibalising a large chunk of Gomantak readers, Tarun Bharat also attracted new readers from among the youth and women, thereby revolutionising Marathi journalism.

It is the mightiest force for revolutionising opinion and stimulating thought.

Both questions have been followed out of late with great keenness and interest, but it is the first which at present assumes an importance which it never had before, with its tremendous negative answer, revolutionising not only the past, but the whole future of mankind; and it is to the first that Mr. Mozley's work is mainly addressed.

These anti-revolutionary States combining to revolutionise a rebellious province of an unoffending ally!

Painters saw at a glance that the genius which had revolutionised sculpture was now destined to introduce a new style and spirit into their art.

These are straws, but it is hardly a straw that when Darwinism emerged upon the world, winning such speedy and almost universal adherence among scientific men and revolutionising in general the thought of the world as to the method of creation, Agassiz stood almost solitary among authorities rejecting evolution and clinging to the doctrine of a special calling into being of each species.

Iron, copper, and coal abound in vast quantities; has coal-fields that, it is said, if they were worked, "would revolutionise the trade of the world."

A small measure of success will be enough to show their possibilities, their ability to revolutionise Polar transport.

' It is to men of science rather than to philosophers that we owe the 'descriptive theory' of scientific concepts which, within the last few years, has gone far to revolutionise the prevailing attitude of philosophy to science.

In such a situation, before the railways revolutionised travel in England, how could Ashford have had any importance?

The result was that when Greece was at last liberated from the Turks, Hadgi Stavros returned to his old trade with a large capital, and a genius for organisation which enabled him to revolutionise the business of brigandage.

Land legislation has revolutionised the conditions of ownership.

They have revolutionised the estimate of their economic importance, and it is scarcely too much to say that when, in the long run, the military strength of the Allies bears down the strength of Germany, it will be this superiority of our women which enables us to pit a woman atthe censorship will object to exact geography upon this pointagainst a man at Essen which has tipped the balance of this war.

19 collocations for  revolutionise