17 examples of anthrax in sentences

More sweeping and even more fatal has been the introduction among the wild sheep of an anthrax, of which, however, very little is known.

The introduction of tame sheep early in the '80's was followed by a most destructive anthrax, which not only destroyed immense numbers of tame sheep, but also exterminated the wild ones, which appeared to be especially susceptible to this disease.

Immediate contact is, of course, not necessary in the propagation of anthrax, and the bacilli and spores left on soil grazed over by an infected band would readily infect another animal feeding over such a country even a long time afterward.

(Drawn from photographs.) A, spiral form of bacteria found in cholera (Magnified about 1000 diameters) B, rod-shaped bacteria (called bacilli) from a culture obtained in anthrax or malignant fustule of the face.

[Veterinary] anthrax, bighead; blackleg, blackquarter^; cattle plague, glanders^, mange, scrapie, milk sickness; heartworm, feline leukemia, roundworms; quarter-evil, quarter-ill; rinderpest.

These bacilli often grow out to form long threads, not in the manner of anthrax bacilli, nor with a simple undulating form, but assuming the shape of delicate long spirals, a corkscrew shape, reminding one very forcibly of the spirochaete of relapsing fever.

In this respect they agree with anthrax bacilli.

He experimented with anthrax bacilli in water to which iodine was added, and the bacilli were destroyed.

With anthrax bacilli vitality is retained for nearly a week; whereas, the comma bacillus appears to be killed in a very short time.

These results would seem to point to the fact that the comma bacillus does not, like the organisms of anthrax and vaccinia, pass into the resting state (Daner-zustande) by drying; and if so, it is one of the most important facts in the etiology of cholera.

In gelatine cultures the comma bacilli can be cultivated for six weeks, and also in blood serum, milk, and potato, where anthrax bacilli rapidly form spores.

But a resting state of the comma bacilli has never been met witha very exceptional thing in the case of bacilli, and another reason why the organism must be regarded rather as a spirillum than a bacillus, for the spirilla require only a fluid medium, and do not, like the anthrax bacilli, thrive in a dry state.

Anthrax prae-argentatus (n.s.)

Anthrax bombyliformis (n.s.)

" Six months later, in New York, he was "indisposed with a bad cold, and at home all day writing letters on private business," and this was the beginning of "a severe illness," which, according to McVickar, was "a case of anthrax, so malignant as for several days to threaten mortification.

ANTHRAX, a disease, especially in cattle, due to the invasion of a living organism which, under certain conditions, breeds rapidly; called also splenic fever.

Inoculation has been found successful in the prevention of other diseases, notably anthrax, hydrophobia, and recently malaria.

17 examples of  anthrax  in sentences