13 examples of bandeaux in sentences

'What on earth's that thing in your hair, Edith?' 'It's a bandeau.'

If bandeaux are worn, the hair is thoroughly brushed and frizzed outside and inside, folding the hair back round the head, brushing it perfectly smooth, giving it a glossy appearance by the use of pomades, or oil, applied by the palm of the hand, smoothing it down with a small brush dipped in bandoline.

Double bandeaux are formed by bringing most of the hair forward, and rolling it over frizettes made of hair the same colour as that of the wearer: it is finished behind by plaiting the hair, and arranging it in such a manner as to look well with the head-dress.

The old king, sumptuously clad in a robe hanging in straight folds, heavy with precious stones, wore the royal bandeau on his snowy locks; but she was more sumptuous still, with only her tall slender figure, her delicate round throat, and her supple arms, divinely graceful.

Servien pictured them as he had seen them represented in the old foxed lithographs that litter the second-hand bookstalls along the Quais, wearing the hair in flat bandeaux with a jewel on a gold chain in the middle of the forehead, or else in heavy ringlets à

The head was encircled with a bandeau of otters' or beavers' fur, to which were attached short wires standing out in all directions, with glass or shell beads strung on them, and at the tips little feather flags and quail plumes.

A little more, and they would have ascribed to her the tastes of the mustiest symbolistsand one knows how far from pleasing are those Muses' robes, how odious the yellow bandeaux above faces expressionless as eggs.

Robes and bandeaux are to-day relegated to drawers in the Capitol at Toulouse, from which they will never be taken more, except when occasion calls for the howling of official alexandrines in honor of M. Gaston Deschamps, Jaurès, or Vercingétorix.

Frontispiece et bandeaux de Vial.

Frontispiece et bandeaux de Vial.

They have a kind of band, like the bandeau of widows, above the beak, which is of a tan colour.

Her hair is perfectly white, Celiaor," he said vaguely to himself, "was it something she wore?like the bandeaux of the Sisters of Charity" The lighted candle fell from Celia's nerveless fingers and rolled over and over across the floor, trailing a smoking wick.

Her hair, curling about her face, is held back by a ribbon bandeau in front; one long, heavy curl rests on the left side of her neck, and is surmounted by a big butterfly bow.

13 examples of  bandeaux  in sentences