25 examples of calories in sentences

They have made a regiment of dietitians think about calories.

While the child in the streets is tossing about such words as calories and carbohydrates with a glibness that comes of much hearing, physiology and food values are destined to remain as far away as ever from the average family breakfast table.

He told her more about calories and food values and balanced meals than the Domestic Science Department at the Normal School had taught her.

It may be calculated by measuring the amount of carbon dioxide gas exhaled during a unit of time, and the number of calories of heat radiated by the skin simultaneously.

KEY: 1, percentage of nutrients; 2, fuel value of 1 pound in calories.

The unit of heat, called a calorie, or gramme-degree, is the amount of heat which is necessary to raise one gramme (15.43 grains) of water one degree centigrade (1.8 degrees Fahr.).

[thermal units] calorie, gram-calorie, small calorie; kilocalorie, kilogram calorie, large calorie; British Thermal Unit, B.T.U.; therm, quad.

[thermal units] calorie, gram-calorie, small calorie; kilocalorie, kilogram calorie, large calorie; British Thermal Unit, B.T.U.; therm, quad.

[thermal units] calorie, gram-calorie, small calorie; kilocalorie, kilogram calorie, large calorie; British Thermal Unit, B.T.U.; therm, quad.

[thermal units] calorie, gram-calorie, small calorie; kilocalorie, kilogram calorie, large calorie; British Thermal Unit, B.T.U.; therm, quad.

[thermal units] calorie, gram-calorie, small calorie; kilocalorie, kilogram calorie, large calorie; British Thermal Unit, B.T.U.; therm, quad.

"Kipper on toast" is not nearly so rich in carbohydrates, calories and aplanatic amygdaloids as "Kipper meat."

"Precisely at 4 o'clock, P.M., the Double Oven Air Calorie Engine, attached to a splendidly decorated Wheel barrow, will make an excursion, on the Conhocton Valley Switch, to the old Hemp Factory and back.

The needful calories for twenty-four hours of his strenuous existence are supplied by two cups of cocoa, a shred of dried toast, a Brazil nut, a glass of sodawater and a grilled banana.

In return for their hours of time and their calories of energy, they receive a share of the product which they have helped to produce.

The calorie cook book.

It's the old calorie game.

Sensible dieting and the Engel vital calorie diets.

Cliff and the calories

Cliff and the calories

The calorie cook book.

It's the old calorie game.

Sensible dieting and the Engel vital calorie diets.

Cliff and the calories

Cliff and the calories

25 examples of  calories  in sentences