316 examples of crise in sentences

They too kept their house open and she said she had always a terrine de crise ready in her larders.

We were en pleine crise for ten days.

Soissons was retaken on August 2, and the valley of the Crise was crossed by the Allies, who dominated the plains in the German rear with their big guns.

It thus appears that Great Britain, by neglecting the conditions of her existence as a nation, has lost the strength in virtue of which, at previous crises in European history, she was the successful champion of that independence of States which, in the present stage of human development, is the substance of freedom.

In theory, Janet was not a pianist, and she never played solos, nor accompanied songs; but in the actual practice of duet-playing her sympathetic presence of mind at difficult crises of the music caused her to be esteemed by Tom, the expert and enthusiast, as superior to all other performers in the family.

'Depuis le début de la crise,' says Captain Chevalier, 'les ministres de la Grande Bretagne s'étaient montrés inférieurs à leur tâche.'

If the Russian Government gives no satisfactory reply to our demand, Your Excellency will please transmit this afternoon 5 o'clock (mid-European time) the following statement: "Le Gouvernement Impérial s'est efforcé dès les débuts de la crise de la mener à une solution pacifique.

Il faut supposer que l'Autriche, sous l'influence des assurances du Représentant Allemand à Vienne, lequel pendant toute cette crise a joué un rôle d'instigateur, a compté sur la probabilité de la localisation de son conflit avec la Serbie et sur la possibilité de porter à cette dernière impunément un coup grave.

Le Gouvernement Impérial s'est efforcé dès les débuts de la crise de la mener à une solution pacifique.

When I came to the farmhouse which lies to the right of the road just after you cross the wooden bridge over the Crise, near where the great statue of the Virgin stands, a woman cried to me from the field, saying that the Prussians were in Soissons.

Then the Ourcq and the Crise Sang "Move on, if you please.

One of them had a crise de nerfs, which nearly killed him.

Crise de croissance.

La crise du capitalisme Americain.

La crise du progres.

Histoire du consulat et de l'empire. T.9: La crise de l'empire, 1810-1811.

La Crise du monde moderne.

T. 2: L'Ere napoleonienne et la crise europeenne, 1800-1815.

Crise de croissance.

La crise du capitalisme Americain.

La crise du progres.

Histoire du consulat et de l'empire. T.9: La crise de l'empire, 1810-1811.

La Crise du monde moderne.

T. 2: L'Ere napoleonienne et la crise europeenne, 1800-1815.

Voici l'affaire dans sa crise!

316 examples of  crise  in sentences