37 examples of deadlines in sentences

on time, punctually, at the deadline, precisely, exactly; right on time, to the minute; in time; in good time, in military time, in pudding time^, in due time; time enough; with no time to spare, by a hair's breadth.

late; lateward^, backward; late in the day; at sunset, at the eleventh hour, at length, at last; ultimately; after time, behind time, after the deadline; too late; too late for &c 135. slowly, leisurely, deliberately, at one's leisure; ex post facto; sine die.

no hurry; no big rush; no deadline.

But then, the news desk is faced with pressures of a different kind, which are not always understood by rural correspondents, based as they are in remote corners of Goa, who rarely witnessed the hectic activity at the news desk, moments before the deadline.

Although we worked on the computers feverishly in the morning to make way for the daily staff (whose strict deadline gave them precedence), as deadline approached tempers could occasionally erupt.

Although we worked on the computers feverishly in the morning to make way for the daily staff (whose strict deadline gave them precedence), as deadline approached tempers could occasionally erupt.

This taught me many lessons in writing, meeting deadlines, and building up a nose for news.

- This chapter is being written much after the deadline set.

But generally deadlines have traditionally slipped by in the place of employment many of us earlier used to share.

Deadline at dawn.

BERNSTEIN, THEODORE MENLINE. Headlines and deadlines.

GARST, ROBERT E. Headlines and deadlines; a manual for copyeditors, by Robert E. Garst & Theodore Menline Bernstein.

Gun smoke deadline.

Matthew Bender & Co., Inc. (PWH); 21Apr69; R460287. HEBERDEN, M. V. Deadline for destruction, by Charles L. Leonard, pseud.

Deadline for destruction.

Deadline at dawn.

BERNSTEIN, THEODORE MENLINE. Headlines and deadlines.

GARST, ROBERT E. Headlines and deadlines; a manual for copyeditors, by Robert E. Garst & Theodore Menline Bernstein.

Shanghai deadline.

Gun smoke deadline.

Matthew Bender & Co., Inc. (PWH); 21Apr69; R460287. HEBERDEN, M. V. Deadline for destruction, by Charles L. Leonard, pseud.

Deadline for destruction.

Deadline; the behind the scenes story of the last decade In France.

Across the deadline into hell.

ti: Deadline at dawn.

37 examples of  deadlines  in sentences