35 examples of deployment in sentences

The infantry were ordered to be on their line of deployment by four o'clock on the morning of October 31, and in every case they were before time.

It was a fine feat to get the two brigades of Londoners into their positions of deployment well up to time.

The 29th Brigade leading, with the 30th Brigade in support, left their positions of deployment at six o'clock, by which time the Turk had had more than he had bargained for north and east of Jerusalem.

(b) The purpose of EXTENDED ORDER DRILL is to teach the mechanism of deployment, of the firings, and, in general, of the employment of troops in combat.


The command GUIDE RIGHT (LEFT or CENTER) indicates the base squad for the deployment; if in line it designates the actual RIGHT (LEFT or CENTER) squad; if in column the command GUIDE RIGHT (LEFT) designates the LEADING squad, and the command GUIDE CENTER designates the center squad.

After the deployment is completed, the guide is CENTER without command, unless otherwise ordered.

After deployment, and before opening fire, the advance of the company may be continued in skirmish line or other suitable formation, depending upon circumstances.

If the deployment is found to be premature, it will generally be best to assemble the company and proceed in close order.

He at once established his headquarters at Nikolsk, and his Chief of Staff, General Kanaka, took up his position behind our lines at Svagena, using us as a screen for the deployment of his command, which had already begun.

This movement would enable the Japanese 12th Division at Svagena to continue their deployment behind our screen, and if the enemy continued his outflanking tactics would involve the Japanese in the fighting whether they willed it or not.

Owing to the great space which they require for their deployment, it is extraordinarily difficult to bring them into effective action simultaneously.

Of course, a certain centre of gravity for the battle may be obtained by assigning to one part of the troops a wider and to the other a narrower space for deployment.

His estates were around Nanking, and so in the deployment region and the region from which most of the soldiers had to be drawn for the defensive struggle.

" Richard Starlight, Robert Nolan, and others had a number of technical questions for Dr. Hoshino regarding the manufacture and deployment of the probes and the time schedule necessary to achieve their goal.

Launch was planned for five days later, with deployment six to seven days after that.

Just in case there was a leak somewhere-and apparently there was!-Robert made a fuss about wanting to offer his freighters to convey the probes to the deployment site.

The real probes were sent out on SE freighters to different spots along the face of deployment.

It would never have done, anyway, to send the probes out in a tight bunch as the seven NME freighters; deployment must be simultaneously effected from several sites, and this is the command I just gave Captain Marks-Owens.

Deployment would still go on as scheduled.

"But for now, deployment of the probes will take place successfully.

Deployment of the probes is taking place about now, but we won't see the results for about ten minutes."

"This is a map of the expanse of the site of the deployment.

Complete deployment should take about an hour and a half.

When deployment was complete, the entire screen was filled with a complex pattern of golden points, like dawn-illuminated mist hanging in a huge spider's web.

35 examples of  deployment  in sentences